Should You Bring a Camera When You Travel or Is a Phone Enough? – CNET 19-07-2023
Apple iPhone, Samsung Galaxy Ultra or mirrorless camera: Here’s what it’s like to shoot travel photos with each.Lees verder op Cnet
Apple iPhone, Samsung Galaxy Ultra or mirrorless camera: Here’s what it’s like to shoot travel photos with each.Lees verder op Cnet
Commentary: Samsung has more competition in the foldable phone space than ever before, raising the bar for the Galaxy Z Flip 5.Lees verder op Cnet
A couple of major mortgage rates have decreased, but they remain high compared to a year ago. See how the Fed’s interest rate hikes could affect your mortgage payments.Lees verder op Cnet
Apartment buildings are notoriously lacking when it comes to home charging. Some people are trying to change that.Lees verder op Cnet
Multiple important refinance rates trended down over the past seven days. The Fed’s interest rate hikes have affected the refinance market.Lees verder op Cnet
You’ve probably heard a slew of reasons of why you shouldn’t bolster your home security this year. None of them are true.Lees verder op Cnet
The update addresses a security vulnerability and patches an issue some people had with previous updates.Lees verder op Cnet
It’s a must-win game for the hosts at Old Trafford.Lees verder op Cnet
Want a new Verizon phone? These are the best options.Lees verder op Cnet
Microsoft Word is about to get a lot smarter for enterprise users.Lees verder op Cnet