Silicon Valley Confronts the Singularity 11-06-2023
The frenzy over artificial intelligence may be ushering in the long-awaited moment when technology goes wild. Or maybe it’s the hype that is out of control.Lees verder op New York Times
The frenzy over artificial intelligence may be ushering in the long-awaited moment when technology goes wild. Or maybe it’s the hype that is out of control.Lees verder op New York Times
Researchers and industry leaders have warned that A.I. could pose an existential risk to humanity. But they’ve been light on the details.Lees verder op New York Times
Researchers and industry leaders have warned that A.I. could pose an existential risk to humanity. But they’ve been light on the details.Lees verder op New York Times
Many experts on artificial intelligence are warning of its potential dangers and calling for regulation, just as others once did with the atomic bomb.Lees verder op New York Times
The implosion of Three Arrows Capital, a cryptocurrency hedge fund, devastated the industry. Its two founders spent the next year surfing, meditating and traveling the world.Lees verder op New York Times
Generating a slide deck, talking points and meetings minutes can all be done in a snap. All you need are the right prompts.Lees verder op New York Times
The implosion of Three Arrows Capital, a cryptocurrency hedge fund, devastated the industry. Its two founders spent the next year surfing, meditating and traveling the world.Lees verder op New York Times
Tuve en mis manos el nuevo visor de alta tecnología, que me dejó impresionado y asustado. ¿Para qué lo necesitamos?Lees verder op New York Times
This isn’t the first time Apple has introduced a bulky piece of hardware that nobody is sure people will want to buy. Can Apple pull off another wearable revolution?Lees verder op New York Times
The electric car company, which operates the country’s most extensive charging network, struck a similar deal with Ford Motor recently.Lees verder op New York Times