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AI will have a significant impact on the economy, but as with the internet, this impact will be concentrated in information-focused industries and occupations (Timothy B Lee/Understanding AI) 25-04-2023

Timothy B Lee / Understanding AI: AI will have a significant impact on the economy, but as with the internet, this impact will be concentrated in information-focused industries and occupations  —  Software didn’t eat the world and AI won’t either.  —  In 2011, the venture capitalist Marc Andreessen published an essay … Lees verder op Tech Meme

Coinbase asks a US federal court to force the SEC to respond to a petition Coinbase filed in July 2022, demanding clearer crypto regulations (André Beganski/Decrypt) 25-04-2023

André Beganski / Decrypt: Coinbase asks a US federal court to force the SEC to respond to a petition Coinbase filed in July 2022, demanding clearer crypto regulations  —  The cryptocurrency exchange filed the petition along with a long list of questions last July. … Coinbase Chief Legal Officer Paul Grewal wrote … Lees verder op Tech Meme

South Korea indicts Terraform Labs co-founder Daniel Shin and nine others on multiple charges and freezes ~$184.7M in assets from them so far (Bloomberg) 25-04-2023

Bloomberg: South Korea indicts Terraform Labs co-founder Daniel Shin and nine others on multiple charges and freezes ~$184.7M in assets from them so far  —  South Korea indicted Terraform Labs co-founder Daniel Shin along with nine others on multiple charges including violations of capital markets law. Lees verder op Tech Meme

Coinbase asks a US federal court to force the SEC to respond to a petition Coinbase filed in July 2022, demanding clearer crypto regulations (André Beganski/Decrypt) 25-04-2023

André Beganski / Decrypt: Coinbase asks a US federal court to force the SEC to respond to a petition Coinbase filed in July 2022, demanding clearer crypto regulations  —  The cryptocurrency exchange filed the petition along with a long list of questions last July. … Coinbase Chief Legal Officer Paul Grewal wrote … Lees verder op Tech Meme

A look at AI Hub, a Discord community focused on AI music that released an entire album featuring original songs using AI-generated vocals from famous artists (Chloe Xiang/VICE) 25-04-2023

Chloe Xiang / VICE: A look at AI Hub, a Discord community focused on AI music that released an entire album featuring original songs using AI-generated vocals from famous artists  —  On Saturday, they released an entire album using an AI-generated copy of Travis Scott’s voice, and labels are trying to kill it. Lees verder op Tech Meme

South Korea indicts Terraform Labs co-founder Daniel Shin and nine others on multiple charges and freezes ~$184.7M in assets from them so far (Sangmi Cha/Bloomberg) 25-04-2023

Sangmi Cha / Bloomberg: South Korea indicts Terraform Labs co-founder Daniel Shin and nine others on multiple charges and freezes ~$184.7M in assets from them so far  —  South Korea indicted Terraform Labs co-founder Daniel Shin along with nine others on multiple charges including violations of capital markets law. Lees verder op Tech Meme

Coinbase asks a US federal court to force the SEC to respond to a petition Coinbase filed in July 2022, demanding clearer crypto regulations (André Beganski/Decrypt) 25-04-2023

André Beganski / Decrypt: Coinbase asks a US federal court to force the SEC to respond to a petition Coinbase filed in July 2022, demanding clearer crypto regulations  —  The cryptocurrency exchange filed the petition along with a long list of questions last July. … Coinbase Chief Legal Officer Paul Grewal wrote … Lees verder op Tech Meme

Af en toe zon en enkele lichte buien. Morgen in het noordoosten nog een bui KNMI : 25-04-2023

Af en toe zon en enkele lichte buien. Morgen in het noordoosten nog een bui Verwachting voor vandaag en morgen Waarschuwingen Er zijn geen waarschuwingen. Vanochtend is er af en toe zon met hier en daar een bui. De noordwestenwind is matig, aan zee af en toe vrij krachtig. In het oostelijk Waddengebied is de wind eerst nog krachtig, windkracht 6.Vanmiddag is er af en toe zon maar er trekt ook nu en dan een bui over. De middagtemperatuur ligt rond 10°C. De noordwestenwind is matig, in het noordelijk kustgebied vrij krachtig.Vanavond is er weinig bewolking en is het op… Lees verder »Af en toe zon en enkele lichte buien. Morgen in het noordoosten nog een bui KNMI : 25-04-2023