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James Zhong, who stole more than 50,000 Bitcoin from Silk Road in 2012, is sentenced to one year and one day in prison (David Voreacos/Bloomberg) 14-04-2023

David Voreacos / Bloomberg: James Zhong, who stole more than 50,000 Bitcoin from Silk Road in 2012, is sentenced to one year and one day in prison  —  A Georgia man who stole more than 50,000 Bitcoin from the Silk Road drug-trafficking site before his cache hit $3.35 billion in value must serve a year in prison. Lees verder op Tech Meme

Zaterdag in het oosten bewolkt, in het (zuid)westen perioden met zon KNMI : 14-04-2023

Zaterdag in het oosten bewolkt, in het (zuid)westen perioden met zon Verwachting voor vandaag en morgen Waarschuwingen Er zijn geen waarschuwingen. Vanavond is het op de meeste plaatsen droog, maar in het zuiden en westen blijft de kans op een lichte bui aanwezig. De wind komt uit een oostelijke richting. Boven land is er weinig wind, langs de kust is de wind matig. Vannacht blijft het vrijwel overal droog en in het noorden en oosten kan er plaatselijk mist ontstaan. Alleen in Zeeland valt er mogelijk wat regen. De minimumtemperatuur loopt uiteen van 6°C graden in Zeeland tot dichtbij het… Lees verder »Zaterdag in het oosten bewolkt, in het (zuid)westen perioden met zon KNMI : 14-04-2023

Instagram updates Reels with a section for trending audio and hashtags, expands gifts to more countries, enhances its editing tools, adds new metrics, and more (Aisha Malik/TechCrunch) 14-04-2023

Aisha Malik / TechCrunch: Instagram updates Reels with a section for trending audio and hashtags, expands gifts to more countries, enhances its editing tools, adds new metrics, and more  —  As governments around the world express growing concerns about TikTok, its rival Instagram Reels is getting a series of new updates aimed at creators. Lees verder op Tech Meme

VC funding for cybersecurity startups fell to nearly $2.7B in Q1 2023, down 58% YoY from $6.5B in Q1 2022; the number of announced deals dropped 45% YoY to 149 (Chris Metinko/Crunchbase News) 14-04-2023

Chris Metinko / Crunchbase News: VC funding for cybersecurity startups fell to nearly $2.7B in Q1 2023, down 58% YoY from $6.5B in Q1 2022; the number of announced deals dropped 45% YoY to 149  —  Although venture funding struggled mightily in the first quarter, funding to cybersecurity startups specifically remained relatively … Lees verder op Tech Meme

Developer logs: Apple is testing a laptop with a CPU similar to current models, likely a 15″ MacBook Air with the same screen resolution as the 14″ MacBook Pro (Mark Gurman/Bloomberg) 14-04-2023

Mark Gurman / Bloomberg: Developer logs: Apple is testing a laptop with a CPU similar to current models, likely a 15 MacBook Air with the same screen resolution as the 14 MacBook Pro  —  Apple Inc. is ramping up testing of fresh Macs with processors on par with the current M2 chip, making headway on key new machines that could help reverse a sales decline. Lees verder op Tech Meme