Makita’s Bizarre Portable Microwave Runs on Power Tool Batteries 17-03-2023
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17:28 Statutaire personeelsleden van de Kamer kregen jaren een extra vergoeding toen ze met pensioen gingen. Dat die tot acht maanden brutoloon kon oplopen, keurde het Bureau van de Kamer nooit goed. Na de …Lees verder op De Tijd
18:07 Patrimoniumvennootschappen konden tot eind 2020 belastingvrij geschonken worden via een Nederlandse notaris. Nu dat niet meer kan, heeft de Vlaamse belastingdienst zijn fiat gegeven voor een alternati…Lees verder op De Tijd
Reuters: New Zealand plans to ban TikTok on all devices with access to the country’s parliamentary network by the end of March 2023 because of cybersecurity concerns — New Zealand will ban TikTok on devices with access to the parliamentary network because of cybersecurity concerns, a government official said on Friday. Lees verder op Tech Meme
@zoeschiffer: Sources: Twitter has downranked accounts from its rivals like Instagram, Snap, and TikTok since December 2022, plus accounts like the US Department of Health’s — Little scoop from me today: Twitter has been down-ranking the corporate accounts of its competitors, including 19 official TikTok accounts, 3 Snap accounts, and 2 Instagram accounts. This means their tweets won’t show on the For You tab for the most part: … Lees verder op Tech Meme
Ingrid Lunden / TechCrunch: Karat, which helps companies conduct technical interviews, plans to acquire its competitor Triplebyte for an undisclosed amount; Triplebyte has raised $48.1M — The technology industry continues to rack up an ever-longer list of layoffs — which now stand at nearly 139,000 according to … Lees verder op Tech Meme
Wired: How the vague and varied US legal definitions of “cybercrime” cause issues, as the UN negotiates an international cybersecurity treaty with equally broad terms — From US state laws to the international stage, definitions of “cybercrime” remain vague, broad, and increasingly entrenched in our legal systems. Lees verder op Tech Meme
Alexander Martin / The Record: Q&A with two Meta security experts about the company’s Online Operations Kill Chain, a framework for responding to threats like election influence operations — Next year will feature some of the most geopolitically significant elections of our times. Voters will be heading … Lees verder op Tech Meme