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Belg neemt minder loopbaanonderbreking 03-05-2024

06:27 Belgische werknemers in de privésector waren in 2023 minder vaak afwezig op het werk dan voorgaande jaren, vooral omdat ze minder loopbaanonderbreking namen. Gemiddeld waren ze 83,3 procent van de tij…Lees verder op De Tijd

Stock photographers prepare for AI disruption, as stock photo companies say traditional photography still has a market but work on building their own AI tools (Katie Deighton/Wall Street Journal) 03-05-2024

Katie Deighton / Wall Street Journal: Stock photographers prepare for AI disruption, as stock photo companies say traditional photography still has a market but work on building their own AI tools  —  Digital photography ravaged the business of taking and licensing commercial photos.  Some fear AI will kill it off entirely. Lees verder op Tech Meme