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Microsoft drops software support for the first-generation Surface Duo, three years after its launch; the Android smartphone received only two major OS updates (Zac Bowden/Windows Central) 11-09-2023

Zac Bowden / Windows Central: Microsoft drops software support for the first-generation Surface Duo, three years after its launch; the Android smartphone received only two major OS updates  —  On its third birthday, the original Surface Duo is no longer supported by Microsoft.  —  What you need to know Lees verder op Tech Meme

Why there has never been a better time to be an online creator: it might be harder than ever to earn $1M per year, but it has never been easier to make $50K (Hunter Walk) 11-09-2023

Hunter Walk: Why there has never been a better time to be an online creator: it might be harder than ever to earn $1M per year, but it has never been easier to make $50K  —  I judge the health of the creator economy by one single controversial factor: ease of access and probability of survival for its participants. Lees verder op Tech Meme

Filing: FTX's estate has now marshalled ~$7B in assets, including $2.6B in cash, $1.16B in solana, $560M in bitcoin, and ~$200M in 38 properties in the Bahamas (Jack Schickler/CoinDesk) 11-09-2023

Jack Schickler / CoinDesk: Filing: FTX’s estate has now marshalled ~$7B in assets, including $2.6B in cash, $1.16B in solana, $560M in bitcoin, and ~$200M in 38 properties in the Bahamas  —  The company says it paid billions to executives including founder Sam Bankman-Fried before filing for bankruptcy last year.  —  Register Now Lees verder op Tech Meme

Survey: 22% of US workers worry that tech will replace their job, up from 15% in 2021, 17% in 2019, and 13% in 2017, a jump driven by college-educated workers (Lydia Saad/Gallup) 11-09-2023

Lydia Saad / Gallup: Survey: 22% of US workers worry that tech will replace their job, up from 15% in 2021, 17% in 2019, and 13% in 2017, a jump driven by college-educated workers  —  WASHINGTON, D.C. — Fear of becoming obsolete, or FOBO, remains uncommon among U.S. workers, but it has grown more in the past … Lees verder op Tech Meme

Vanavond meest droog, pas later kans op onweer. Dinsdag (onweers)buien KNMI : 11-09-2023

  • knmi

Vanavond meest droog, pas later kans op onweer. Dinsdag (onweers)buien Verwachting voor vandaag en morgen Waarschuwingen Later vanavond en komende nacht in het zuidoosten kans op stevige onweersbuien (code geel). Vanavond neemt de bewolking toe en kan er plaatselijk wat lichte regen voorkomen. Aan het einde van de avond neemt de kans op een stevige onweersbui in het zuidoosten toe, met plaatselijk veel regen in korte tijd, hagel en windstoten tot ca. 60 km/uur. Verder is er weinig wind. Komende nacht zijn er enkele buien. Vooral in het zuidoosten kunnen dit stevige onweersbuien zijn. Daar is ook kans op veel… Lees verder »Vanavond meest droog, pas later kans op onweer. Dinsdag (onweers)buien KNMI : 11-09-2023