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An interview with Jürgen Schmidhuber, whose neural network work in the 1990s went on to be used in Google Translate and Siri, on why many AI fears are misplaced (Josh Taylor/The Guardian) 08-05-2023

Josh Taylor / The Guardian: An interview with Jürgen Schmidhuber, whose neural network work in the 1990s went on to be used in Google Translate and Siri, on why many AI fears are misplaced  —  Jürgen Schmidhuber believes AI will progress to the point where it surpasses human intelligence and will pay no attention to people Lees verder op Tech Meme

After Arm shunned a London listing in favor of New York, some VCs in the UK blame Brexit and institutional investors, who lack a good understanding of tech (Ryan Browne/CNBC) 08-05-2023

Ryan Browne / CNBC: After Arm shunned a London listing in favor of New York, some VCs in the UK blame Brexit and institutional investors, who lack a good understanding of tech  —  – British chip designer Arm recently decided to list in New York, leading to worries that London will miss out on more blockbuster tech IPOs. Lees verder op Tech Meme

After China banned crypto in September 2021, FTX's creditor lists, citizens, and industry insiders suggest Chinese residents continue to trade digital assets (Bloomberg) 08-05-2023

Bloomberg: After China banned crypto in September 2021, FTX’s creditor lists, citizens, and industry insiders suggest Chinese residents continue to trade digital assets  —  Nineteen months after China banned crypto, more signs have emerged that its citizens continue to buy and sell digital assets. Lees verder op Tech Meme

Perioden met zon, in het westen eerst bewolkt. In het (noord)oosten buien KNMI : 08-05-2023

Perioden met zon, in het westen eerst bewolkt. In het (noord)oosten buien Verwachting voor vandaag en morgen Waarschuwingen Er zijn geen waarschuwingen. Vanmiddag hebben we een afwisseling van zon en bewolking, in het westen en midden overheerst eerst nog de bewolking. In het oosten en noordoosten ontstaan enkele buien, plaatselijk kan veel regen in korte tijd vallen. Ook is er kans op onweer. Aan de westkust kan mist voorkomen. De maximumtemperatuur loopt uiteen van 15°C langs de kust tot 21°C in het oosten. Er staat weinig wind, alleen langs de kust komt een matige westenwind te staan.Vanavond komen er in… Lees verder »Perioden met zon, in het westen eerst bewolkt. In het (noord)oosten buien KNMI : 08-05-2023

An interview with Jürgen Schmidhuber, whose neural network work in the 1990s went on to be used in Google Translate and Siri, on why many AI fears are misplaced (Josh Taylor/The Guardian) 08-05-2023

Josh Taylor / The Guardian: An interview with Jürgen Schmidhuber, whose neural network work in the 1990s went on to be used in Google Translate and Siri, on why many AI fears are misplaced  —  Jürgen Schmidhuber believes AI will progress to the point where it surpasses human intelligence and will pay no attention to people Lees verder op Tech Meme