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Researchers say hackers stole $4.4M in crypto from 25+ victims on October 25 using private keys and passphrases from a 2022 LastPass breach (Lawrence Abrams/BleepingComputer) 31-10-2023

Lawrence Abrams / BleepingComputer: Researchers say hackers stole $4.4M in crypto from 25+ victims on October 25 using private keys and passphrases from a 2022 LastPass breach  —  Hackers have stolen $4.4 million in cryptocurrency on October 25th using private keys and passphrases stored in stolen LastPass databases … Lees verder op Tech Meme

Vannacht regen, overdag af en toe zon en enkele buien KNMI : 31-10-2023

Vannacht regen, overdag af en toe zon en enkele buien Verwachting voor vandaag en morgen Waarschuwingen Er zijn geen waarschuwingen. Vannacht zijn er perioden met regen. De minimumtemperatuur ligt rond 9°C. De wind komt uit een westelijke richting en is overwegend matig. Vanochtend is er eerst veel bewolking en regent het hier en daar. Later breekt de zon op enkele plaatsen door. De wind komt uit het zuidwesten en is matig. In het noordelijk kustgebied draait de wind naar het noorden.Vanmiddag is het half tot zwaar bewolkt en komen er enkele buien voor. De maximumtemperatuur ligt rond 13°C. De wind… Lees verder »Vannacht regen, overdag af en toe zon en enkele buien KNMI : 31-10-2023

Apple discontinues the 13-inch MacBook Pro, the last Mac with a Touch Bar, meaning the company now only offers 14-inch and 16-inch MacBook Pro models (Juli Clover/MacRumors) 31-10-2023

Juli Clover / MacRumors: Apple discontinues the 13-inch MacBook Pro, the last Mac with a Touch Bar, meaning the company now only offers 14-inch and 16-inch MacBook Pro models  —  With the launch of the new M3 14-inch MacBook Pro, Apple has discontinued the 13-inch MacBook Pro.  The 13-inch MacBook Pro is no longer listed … Lees verder op Tech Meme

Apple says “All presenters, locations, and drone footage” in the pre-recorded “Scary Fast” event video were shot on an iPhone 15 Pro Max (Filipe Espósito/9to5Mac) 31-10-2023

Filipe Espósito / 9to5Mac: Apple says “All presenters, locations, and drone footage” in the pre-recorded “Scary Fast” event video were shot on an iPhone 15 Pro Max  —  Apple today held a short and unusual special event to introduce a new generation of MacBook Pro and iMac with M3 chip. Lees verder op Tech Meme

Apple accessories including the Magic Keyboard, Mouse, and Trackpad that accompany the newly announced M3 iMac still feature a Lightning port instead of USB-C (Hartley Charlton/MacRumors) 31-10-2023

Hartley Charlton / MacRumors: Apple accessories including the Magic Keyboard, Mouse, and Trackpad that accompany the newly announced M3 iMac still feature a Lightning port instead of USB-C  —  The newly announced M3 iMac is still accompanied by peripherals with a Lightning port for pairing and charging, rather than USB-C as rumored. Lees verder op Tech Meme

BlackBerry says CEO John Chen plans to retire on November 4 after serving in the role since November 2013 and names board member Richard Lynch as interim CEO (Ben Glickman/Wall Street Journal) 31-10-2023

Ben Glickman / Wall Street Journal: BlackBerry says CEO John Chen plans to retire on November 4 after serving in the role since November 2013 and names board member Richard Lynch as interim CEO  —  BlackBerry named board member Richard Lynch as interim chief executive officer after current CEO John Chen retires Nov. 4. Lees verder op Tech Meme

A live blog of Apple's “Scary Fast” event, where M3 chips, high-end M3 MacBook Pros, and a new 24-inch M3 iMac were announced (Umar Shakir/The Verge) 31-10-2023

Umar Shakir / The Verge: A live blog of Apple’s “Scary Fast” event, where M3 chips, high-end M3 MacBook Pros, and a new 24-inch M3 iMac were announced  —  The company has, uncharacteristically, scheduled the online livestream presentation for 8PM ET / 5PM PT, meaning it’s not for the morning or lunchtime crowd this time. Lees verder op Tech Meme