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A leaked copy of the UK's final AI Safety Summit communiqué does not mention a new scientific body to study AI risks, preferring existing collaborations instead (Joseph Bambridge/Politico) 26-10-2023

Joseph Bambridge / Politico: A leaked copy of the UK’s final AI Safety Summit communiqué does not mention a new scientific body to study AI risks, preferring existing collaborations instead  —  Countries attending the summit will agree to look further into the risks of powerful AI, but could do so using existing institutions. Lees verder op Tech Meme

Analysis of 1,800 AI datasets: ~70% didn't state what license should be used or had been mislabeled with more permissive guidelines than their creators intended (Nitasha Tiku/Washington Post) 26-10-2023

Nitasha Tiku / Washington Post: Analysis of 1,800 AI datasets: ~70% didn’t state what license should be used or had been mislabeled with more permissive guidelines than their creators intended  —  The Data Provenance Initiative analyzed data sets used to build generative AI and found confusion surrounding licencing and fair use. Lees verder op Tech Meme

Wisselvallig. Vanochtend op meerdere plaatsen (dichte) mist KNMI : 26-10-2023

Wisselvallig. Vanochtend op meerdere plaatsen (dichte) mist Verwachting voor vandaag en morgen Waarschuwingen Vanochtend op meerdere plaatsen dichte mist (code geel). Vanochtend begint op veel plaatsen grijs met mist. Plaatselijk is de mist verkeersbelemmerend. Verder is het half tot zwaar bewolkt en trekt de mist in de tweede helft van de ochtend langzaam op. In het oosten valt plaatselijk motregen. Aan de kust staat een matige oost- tot zuidoostenwind, landinwaarts is er weinig wind.Vanmiddag is er veel bewolking met eerst nog plaatselijk kans op mist. Een gebied met af en toe regen breidt zich over het zuiden en later midden… Lees verder »Wisselvallig. Vanochtend op meerdere plaatsen (dichte) mist KNMI : 26-10-2023

Leaked UK's final AI Safety Summit communiqué does not mention a new scientific body to study AI risks, and says it should be done using existing collaborations (Joseph Bambridge/Politico) 26-10-2023

Joseph Bambridge / Politico: Leaked UK’s final AI Safety Summit communiqué does not mention a new scientific body to study AI risks, and says it should be done using existing collaborations  —  Countries attending the summit will agree to look further into the risks of powerful AI, but could do so using existing institutions. Lees verder op Tech Meme

Leaked UK's final AI Safety Summit communiqué does not mention a new scientific body to study AI risks, and says it should be done using existing collaborations (Joseph Bambridge/Politico) 26-10-2023

Joseph Bambridge / Politico: Leaked UK’s final AI Safety Summit communiqué does not mention a new scientific body to study AI risks, and says it should be done using existing collaborations  —  Countries attending the summit will agree to look further into the risks of powerful AI, but could do so using existing institutions. Lees verder op Tech Meme

Leaked UK's final AI Safety Summit communiqué does not mention a new scientific body to study AI risks, and says it should be done using existing collaborations (Joseph Bambridge/Politico) 26-10-2023

Joseph Bambridge / Politico: Leaked UK’s final AI Safety Summit communiqué does not mention a new scientific body to study AI risks, and says it should be done using existing collaborations  —  Countries attending the summit will agree to look further into the risks of powerful AI, but could do so using existing institutions. Lees verder op Tech Meme

Best Beer Clubs for 2023 – CNET 26-10-2023

Sample new sours, stouts, porters and Scotch ales without leaving the house. These are the best beer boxes and subscriptions for tasting great suds in 2023.Lees verder op Cnet