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Clearview AI wins an appeal against the UK's data protection watchdog, which imposed a ~£7.5M fine in May 2022 for alleged breaches of local privacy laws (Natasha Lomas/TechCrunch) 19-10-2023

Natasha Lomas / TechCrunch: Clearview AI wins an appeal against the UK’s data protection watchdog, which imposed a ~£7.5M fine in May 2022 for alleged breaches of local privacy laws  —  Controversial US facial recognition company, Clearview AI, has won an appeal against a privacy sanction issued by the U.K. last year. Lees verder op Tech Meme

Internal message: Discord shuts down Gas nine months after acquiring the app, which let people share anonymous compliments and had ~1M DAUs in October 2022 (Mark Matousek/The Information) 19-10-2023

Mark Matousek / The Information: Internal message: Discord shuts down Gas nine months after acquiring the app, which let people share anonymous compliments and had ~1M DAUs in October 2022  —  Nikita Bier has done it again.  Nine months after he sold anonymous-compliments app Gas to Discord, the app is being shut down, Discord CEO Jason Citron has told employees. Lees verder op Tech Meme

Perioden met regen. In het noorden koud KNMI : 18-10-2023

Perioden met regen. In het noorden koud Verwachting voor vandaag en morgen Waarschuwingen Vrijdagochtend en -middag kans op zware windstoten in het Waddengebied (code geel). Vannacht zijn er perioden met regen. De minimumtemperatuur loopt uiteen van 8°C in het noordoosten tot 12°C in het zuiden. De wind komt uit een zuidelijke richting en is matig, langs de kust (vrij) krachtig en eerst nog af en toe hard, windkracht 7. Vanochtend is het half tot zwaar bewolkt. Vooral in het noorden kan het nog af en toe regenen. De zuidelijke wind is matig, aan de kust vrij krachtig Vanmiddag is er… Lees verder »Perioden met regen. In het noorden koud KNMI : 18-10-2023

Clearview AI wins an appeal against the UK's data protection watchdog, which imposed a ~£7.5M fine in May 2022 for alleged breaches of local privacy laws (Natasha Lomas/TechCrunch) 19-10-2023

Natasha Lomas / TechCrunch: Clearview AI wins an appeal against the UK’s data protection watchdog, which imposed a ~£7.5M fine in May 2022 for alleged breaches of local privacy laws  —  Controversial US facial recognition company, Clearview AI, has won an appeal against a privacy sanction issued by the U.K. last year. Lees verder op Tech Meme