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Geleidelijk meer bewolking, vanmiddag en vanavond in het noorden regen KNMI : 11-10-2023

Geleidelijk meer bewolking, vanmiddag en vanavond in het noorden regen Verwachting voor vandaag en morgen Waarschuwingen Er zijn geen waarschuwingen. Vanochtend is er in de zuidoostelijke helft nog zon, in de rest van het land raakt het bewolkt. In het noordwesten gaat aan het einde van de ochtend regenen, elders blijft het droog. De wind is matig, aan de kust en op het IJsselmeer krachtig, windkracht 6, en komt uit het zuidwesten.Vanmiddag gaat het in noorden en noordwesten af en toe regenen. In het midden en zuiden blijft het nog zo goed als droog en in het zuiden is ook… Lees verder »Geleidelijk meer bewolking, vanmiddag en vanavond in het noorden regen KNMI : 11-10-2023

An interview with Dropbox CEO Drew Houston on new AI features, the challenge of not annoying loyal users, embracing a virtual-first workplace culture, and more (Harry McCracken/Fast Company) 11-10-2023

Harry McCracken / Fast Company: An interview with Dropbox CEO Drew Houston on new AI features, the challenge of not annoying loyal users, embracing a virtual-first workplace culture, and more  —  In October 2020, as it became clear COVID-19 wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon, Dropbox made a big bet. Lees verder op Tech Meme

Sam Bankman-Fried wrote a series of unpublished posts in 2022 announcing Alameda's closure due to the “burden” of “FUD around Alameda's relationship with FTX” (Shaurya Malwa/CoinDesk) 11-10-2023

Shaurya Malwa / CoinDesk: Sam Bankman-Fried wrote a series of unpublished posts in 2022 announcing Alameda’s closure due to the “burden” of “FUD around Alameda’s relationship with FTX”  —  He had hoped to continue Alameda Research as an investment firm and infrastructure developer … Lees verder op Tech Meme

An investigation details the Intellexa Alliance, a shady group of European companies that marketed and sold spyware like Predator to authoritarian regimes (Spiegel Online) 11-10-2023

Spiegel Online: An investigation details the Intellexa Alliance, a shady group of European companies that marketed and sold spyware like Predator to authoritarian regimes  —  The Intellexa Alliance is the name of the shady group of European companies that supplies dictators and despots with cyberweapons. Lees verder op Tech Meme

Sources: several startups, VCs, and PE firms are exploring investments in Indian banks, which may help cut capital acquisition costs for local fintech startups (Manish Singh/TechCrunch) 11-10-2023

Manish Singh / TechCrunch: Sources: several startups, VCs, and PE firms are exploring investments in Indian banks, which may help cut capital acquisition costs for local fintech startups  —  More than two dozen startups, VCs and PEs are exploring investment in banks in India, sources say. Lees verder op Tech Meme

Samsung reports Q3 operating income fell 78% QoQ to ~$1.8B and revenue fell 13% QoQ to ~$49.6B, suggesting the global chip market may have started to recover (Yoolim Lee/Bloomberg) 11-10-2023

Yoolim Lee / Bloomberg: Samsung reports Q3 operating income fell 78% QoQ to ~$1.8B and revenue fell 13% QoQ to ~$49.6B, suggesting the global chip market may have started to recover  —  – Profit fall of 78% smaller than prior quarter’s record plunge  — AI-related demand seen key to memory chip price recovery Lees verder op Tech Meme