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Q&A with researcher Tamara Kneese on her book Death Glitch and why tech companies need to improve how they handle posthumous digital remains on their platforms (Zoë Corbyn/The Guardian) 02-10-2023

Zoë Corbyn / The Guardian: Q&A with researcher Tamara Kneese on her book Death Glitch and why tech companies need to improve how they handle posthumous digital remains on their platforms  —  Our digital profiles and possessions are ever-expanding, but what happens to them after our deaths? Lees verder op Tech Meme

In an open letter, the CEOs of 20 European telcos including BT, Telekom, and Telefónica, ask the EU to make Big Tech pay a “fair share” for using their networks (Financial Times) 02-10-2023

Financial Times: In an open letter, the CEOs of 20 European telcos including BT, Telekom, and Telefónica, ask the EU to make Big Tech pay a “fair share” for using their networks  —  BT, Deutsche Telekom and Telefónica CEOs among those calling for internet traffic drivers to contribute to investment Lees verder op Tech Meme

Google launches Chromebook Plus certification for premium Chromebooks, with qualifying specs like a 1080p webcam and display, 8GB of RAM, and 128GB of storage (Monica Chin/The Verge) 02-10-2023

Monica Chin / The Verge: Google launches Chromebook Plus certification for premium Chromebooks, with qualifying specs like a 1080p webcam and display, 8GB of RAM, and 128GB of storage  —  Google has introduced Chromebook Plus, a new certification that’s meant to help shoppers identify high-quality Chromebooks to buy. Lees verder op Tech Meme

Q&A with researcher Tamara Kneese on her book Death Glitch and why tech companies need to improve how they handle posthumous digital remains on their platforms (Zoë Corbyn/The Guardian) 02-10-2023

Zoë Corbyn / The Guardian: Q&A with researcher Tamara Kneese on her book Death Glitch and why tech companies need to improve how they handle posthumous digital remains on their platforms  —  Our digital profiles and possessions are ever-expanding, but what happens to them after our deaths? Lees verder op Tech Meme

In an open letter, the CEOs of 20 European telcos including BT, Telekom, and Telefónica, ask the EU to make Big Tech pay a “fair share” for using their networks (Financial Times) 02-10-2023

Financial Times: In an open letter, the CEOs of 20 European telcos including BT, Telekom, and Telefónica, ask the EU to make Big Tech pay a “fair share” for using their networks  —  BT, Deutsche Telekom and Telefónica CEOs among those calling for internet traffic drivers to contribute to investment Lees verder op Tech Meme

A profile of New York-based GlobalFoundries, spun out of AMD in 2009, which makes “essential” 12nm chips and above for image sensors, power management, and more (Katie Tarasov/CNBC) 02-10-2023

Katie Tarasov / CNBC: A profile of New York-based GlobalFoundries, spun out of AMD in 2009, which makes “essential” 12nm chips and above for image sensors, power management, and more  —  WATCH NOW  —  How GlobalFoundries rose to be the world’s third-biggest chip foundry Lees verder op Tech Meme

Vandaag warm en droog. Morgen veel wind en buien KNMI : 02-10-2023

Vandaag warm en droog. Morgen veel wind en buien Verwachting voor vandaag en morgen Waarschuwingen Er zijn geen waarschuwingen. Vanmiddag is het droog en zijn er perioden met zon, in het noorden is er wat meer bewolking aanwezig. Bij een zwakke tot matige zuidwestenwind wordt het overdag 20°C op de Wadden tot plaatselijk 26°C in Limburg.Vanavond is het op de meeste plaatsen droog. De zuidwestenwind draait naar zuid tot zuidoost en is overwegend matig. Komende nacht is het op de meeste plaatsen droog. Het wordt een warme nacht met temperaturen tussen 15°C in het noorden en 20°C in het zuiden.… Lees verder »Vandaag warm en droog. Morgen veel wind en buien KNMI : 02-10-2023

Q&A with researcher Tamara Kneese on her book Death Glitch and why tech companies need to improve how they handle posthumous digital remains on their platforms (Zoë Corbyn/The Guardian) 02-10-2023

Zoë Corbyn / The Guardian: Q&A with researcher Tamara Kneese on her book Death Glitch and why tech companies need to improve how they handle posthumous digital remains on their platforms  —  Our digital profiles and possessions are ever-expanding, but what happens to them after our deaths? Lees verder op Tech Meme