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Q&A with researcher Tamara Kneese on her book Death Glitch and why tech companies need to improve how they handle posthumous digital remains on their platforms (Zoë Corbyn/The Guardian) 02-10-2023

Zoë Corbyn / The Guardian: Q&A with researcher Tamara Kneese on her book Death Glitch and why tech companies need to improve how they handle posthumous digital remains on their platforms  —  Our digital profiles and possessions are ever-expanding, but what happens to them after our deaths? Lees verder op Tech Meme

Singapore grants Coinbase a Major Payment Institution license, allowing it to offer a wider range of Digital Payment Token services to institutions, customers (Ryan Weeks/The Block) 02-10-2023

Ryan Weeks / The Block: Singapore grants Coinbase a Major Payment Institution license, allowing it to offer a wider range of Digital Payment Token services to institutions, customers  —  – The license paves the way for Coinbase to offer a wider range of Digital Payment Token services in the region. Lees verder op Tech Meme

Q&A with researcher Tamara Kneese on her book Death Glitch and why tech companies need to improve how they handle posthumous digital remains on their platforms (Zoë Corbyn/The Guardian) 02-10-2023

Zoë Corbyn / The Guardian: Q&A with researcher Tamara Kneese on her book Death Glitch and why tech companies need to improve how they handle posthumous digital remains on their platforms  —  Our digital profiles and possessions are ever-expanding, but what happens to them after our deaths? Lees verder op Tech Meme

Q&A with researcher Tamara Kneese on her book Death Glitch and why tech companies need to improve how they handle posthumous digital remains on their platforms (Zoë Corbyn/The Guardian) 02-10-2023

Zoë Corbyn / The Guardian: Q&A with researcher Tamara Kneese on her book Death Glitch and why tech companies need to improve how they handle posthumous digital remains on their platforms  —  Our digital profiles and possessions are ever-expanding, but what happens to them after our deaths? Lees verder op Tech Meme

Q&A with researcher Tamara Kneese on her book Death Glitch and why tech companies need to improve how they handle posthumous digital remains on their platforms (Zoë Corbyn/The Guardian) 02-10-2023

Zoë Corbyn / The Guardian: Q&A with researcher Tamara Kneese on her book Death Glitch and why tech companies need to improve how they handle posthumous digital remains on their platforms  —  Our digital profiles and possessions are ever-expanding, but what happens to them after our deaths? Lees verder op Tech Meme

Overdag warm en droog. Dinsdag veel wind en buien KNMI : 02-10-2023

Overdag warm en droog. Dinsdag veel wind en buien Verwachting voor vandaag en morgen Waarschuwingen Er zijn geen waarschuwingen. Vannacht is het droog. Het koelt af naar 16°C in het noordwesten en plaatselijk 12°C in het zuidoosten. Aan de kust staat een matige zuidwestenwind, boven land is er weinig wind. Vanochtend schijnt in het midden en zuiden de zon, in het noordwesten en noorden is er wat meer bewolking. Het blijft droog.Vanmiddag is het droog en zijn er perioden met zon, in het westen en noorden is er wat meer bewolking aanwezig. Bij een zwakke tot matige zuidwestenwind wordt het… Lees verder »Overdag warm en droog. Dinsdag veel wind en buien KNMI : 02-10-2023

Q&A with researcher Tamara Kneese on her book Death Glitch and why tech companies need to improve how they handle posthumous digital remains on their platforms (Zoë Corbyn/The Guardian) 02-10-2023

Zoë Corbyn / The Guardian: Q&A with researcher Tamara Kneese on her book Death Glitch and why tech companies need to improve how they handle posthumous digital remains on their platforms  —  Our digital profiles and possessions are ever-expanding, but what happens to them after our deaths? Lees verder op Tech Meme