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Zonnig en warm, in het noorden ook bewolking KNMI : 01-10-2023

Zonnig en warm, in het noorden ook bewolking Verwachting voor vandaag en morgen Waarschuwingen Er zijn geen waarschuwingen. Vanavond zijn er brede opklaringen, in het uiterste noorden is het overwegend bewolkt. Het blijft overal droog. De zuidwestenwind is matig, in het noordelijk kustgebied vrij krachtig. Komende nacht is het droog. Het koelt af naar 16°C in het noordwesten en plaatselijk 12°C in het zuidoosten. Aan de kust staat een matige zuidwestenwind, boven land is er weinig wind. Morgenochtend schijnt in het midden en zuiden de zon, in het noordwesten en noorden is er wat meer bewolking. Het blijft droog.Morgenmiddag is… Lees verder »Zonnig en warm, in het noorden ook bewolking KNMI : 01-10-2023

An interview with Skype co-founder Niklas Zennström about his upbringing, his VC firm Atomico, the vitality of Europe's startup space, a Skype “mafia”, and more (John Thornhill/Financial Times) 30-09-2023

John Thornhill / Financial Times: An interview with Skype co-founder Niklas Zennström about his upbringing, his VC firm Atomico, the vitality of Europe’s startup space, a Skype “mafia”, and more  —  The Skype co-founder turned venture capitalist on how Europe’s start-ups can challenge America’s giants Lees verder op Tech Meme

Q&A with Monarch Tractor CEO Praveen Penmetsa on licensing the autonomous electric tractor startup's tech to other companies, the future of farming, and more (Nilay Patel/The Verge) 01-10-2023

Nilay Patel / The Verge: Q&A with Monarch Tractor CEO Praveen Penmetsa on licensing the autonomous electric tractor startup’s tech to other companies, the future of farming, and more  —  Monarch Tractor’s Praveen Penmetsa has a grand vision for agriculture, and it includes autonomous electric smart tractors powered by AI. Lees verder op Tech Meme

An interview with Skype co-founder Niklas Zennström about his upbringing, his VC firm Atomico, the vitality of Europe's startup space, a Skype “mafia”, and more (John Thornhill/Financial Times) 30-09-2023

John Thornhill / Financial Times: An interview with Skype co-founder Niklas Zennström about his upbringing, his VC firm Atomico, the vitality of Europe’s startup space, a Skype “mafia”, and more  —  The Skype co-founder turned venture capitalist on how Europe’s start-ups can challenge America’s giants Lees verder op Tech Meme

An interview with Skype co-founder Niklas Zennström about his upbringing, his VC firm Atomico, the vitality of Europe's startup space, a Skype “mafia”, and more (John Thornhill/Financial Times) 30-09-2023

John Thornhill / Financial Times: An interview with Skype co-founder Niklas Zennström about his upbringing, his VC firm Atomico, the vitality of Europe’s startup space, a Skype “mafia”, and more  —  The Skype co-founder turned venture capitalist on how Europe’s start-ups can challenge America’s giants Lees verder op Tech Meme

Apple confirms that iPhone 15 models can run “warmer than expected” due to factors like an iOS 17 bug and updates to Instagram, Uber, and other third-party apps (Patrick Holland/CNET) 30-09-2023

Patrick Holland / CNET: Apple confirms that iPhone 15 models can run “warmer than expected” due to factors like an iOS 17 bug and updates to Instagram, Uber, and other third-party apps  —  Widespread complaints about overheating of the new iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max can be traced to several factors … Lees verder op Tech Meme