2023 Black Friday: Here’s How to Avoid This Year’s Elaborate Scams – CNET 13-11-2023
Learn what to watch for to protect yourself while shopping this year’s Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals.Lees verder op Cnet
Learn what to watch for to protect yourself while shopping this year’s Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals.Lees verder op Cnet
11/11 In Brussel kwamen zaterdag minstens 21.000 mensen op straat uit protest tegen de Israëlische oorlog in Gaza, terwijl ook elders in Europa pro-Palestijnse manifestaties veel volk op de been brachten.Lees verder op De Tijd
08:55 Door een spontane staking van De Lijn is het bus- en tramverkeer in West-Vlaanderen ernstig verstoord. Ook in de stelplaats van Tremelo (Vlaams-Brabant) en Mol (Antwerpse Kempen) hebben chauffeurs van…Lees verder op De Tijd
Jack Ewing / New York Times: How Łukasz Krupski, a Tesla whistleblower in Norway, leaked personnel records and Autopilot data that caught the attention of regulators in several countries — An employee who was fired after expressing safety concerns leaked personnel records and sensitive data about driver-assistance software. Lees verder op Tech Meme
Jack Ewing / New York Times: How Łukasz Krupski, a Tesla whistleblower in Norway, leaked personnel records and Autopilot data that caught the attention of regulators in several countries — An employee who was fired after expressing safety concerns leaked personnel records and sensitive data about driver-assistance software. Lees verder op Tech Meme
Madhumita Murgia / Financial Times: Sam Altman says he expected “to raise a lot more” from Microsoft and other investors to keep up with the punishing costs of building more sophisticated LLMs — Sam Altman expects big tech group will back start-up’s mission to create software as intelligent as humans Lees verder op Tech Meme
07:03 De Vlaamse regering zoekt maandag naar een akkoord over stikstof, nadat zaterdag al beslist werd dat boerderijen met de grootste impact op de natuur niet langer verplicht zullen moeten sluiten.Lees verder op De Tijd
Jack Ewing / New York Times: How Łukasz Krupski, a Tesla whistleblower in Norway, leaked personnel records and Autopilot data that caught the attention of regulators in several countries — An employee who was fired after expressing safety concerns leaked personnel records and sensitive data about driver-assistance software. Lees verder op Tech Meme
Hannah Lang / Reuters: In a major policy change, banks on the payment app Zelle have started refunding scam victims as of June 30, 2023 after pressure from US lawmakers and the CFPB — Banks on the payment app Zelle have begun refunding victims of imposter scams to address consumer protection concerns raised … Lees verder op Tech Meme
Jack Ewing / New York Times: How Łukasz Krupski, a Tesla whistleblower in Norway, leaked personnel records and Autopilot data that caught the attention of regulators in several countries — An employee who was fired after expressing safety concerns leaked personnel records and sensitive data about driver-assistance software. Lees verder op Tech Meme