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California Governor Gavin Newsom vetoes a bill that requires a human safety operator in heavy-duty self-driving trucks on public roads (Abhirup Roy/Reuters) 23-09-2023

Abhirup Roy / Reuters: California Governor Gavin Newsom vetoes a bill that requires a human safety operator in heavy-duty self-driving trucks on public roads  —  California Governor Gavin Newsom late on Friday vetoed a bill to prevent heavy-duty driverless trucks from operating in the state, in a relief … Lees verder op Tech Meme

Doc: accuses the EU of using “misleading” and “selective” facts to block its €1.63B Etraveli acquisition and plans to challenge any ban in court (Javier Espinoza/Financial Times) 23-09-2023

Javier Espinoza / Financial Times: Doc: accuses the EU of using “misleading” and “selective” facts to block its €1.63B Etraveli acquisition and plans to challenge any ban in court  —  US online travel site says Brussels has not shown €1.63bn acquisition of Swedish group will force rivals to close Lees verder op Tech Meme

Sources: India will delay its import license requirement for laptops and tablets by a year and instead plans a simpler import registration process from November (Reuters) 23-09-2023

Reuters: Sources: India will delay its import license requirement for laptops and tablets by a year and instead plans a simpler import registration process from November  —  India will defer an import licence requirement for laptops and tablets, two government officials said, a policy U-turn … Lees verder op Tech Meme

Enkele buien, kleine kans op onweer. Zondag droog KNMI : 23-09-2023

  • knmi

Enkele buien, kleine kans op onweer. Zondag droog Verwachting voor vandaag en morgen Waarschuwingen Er zijn geen waarschuwingen. Vanmiddag zijn er buien, in het noordoosten kan daarbij eerst nog onweer voorkomen. Tussen de buien door is de zon ook af en toe te zien. De maximumtemperatuur ligt rond 17°C. De wind komt uit een westelijke richting en is matig.Vanavond valt er in het midden en noorden plaatselijk nog een bui, verder is het droog en klaart het op. Er is weinig wind, aan de kust en op het IJsselmeer is de wind matig uit een westelijke richting. Komende nacht blijft… Lees verder »Enkele buien, kleine kans op onweer. Zondag droog KNMI : 23-09-2023

Doc: accuses the EU of using “misleading” and “selective” facts to block its €1.63B Etraveli acquisition and plans to challenge any ban in court (Javier Espinoza/Financial Times) 23-09-2023

Javier Espinoza / Financial Times: Doc: accuses the EU of using “misleading” and “selective” facts to block its €1.63B Etraveli acquisition and plans to challenge any ban in court  —  US online travel site says Brussels has not shown €1.63bn acquisition of Swedish group will force rivals to close Lees verder op Tech Meme

A look at Scattered Spider, which experts say is a group of 17 to 22-year-old native English speakers likely behind the MGM and 52+ other hacks since March 2022 (Reuters) 23-09-2023

Reuters: A look at Scattered Spider, which experts say is a group of 17 to 22-year-old native English speakers likely behind the MGM and 52+ other hacks since March 2022  —  About a year ago, the U.S. security firm Palo Alto Networks began to hear from a flurry of companies that had been hacked in ways that weren’t the norm for cybercriminals. Lees verder op Tech Meme