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A look at Poisson flow generative models, a physics-inspired alternative to diffusion-based AI models that can create same quality images 10 to 20 times faster (Steve Nadis/Quanta Magazine) 21-09-2023

Steve Nadis / Quanta Magazine: A look at Poisson flow generative models, a physics-inspired alternative to diffusion-based AI models that can create same quality images 10 to 20 times faster  —  Some modern image generators rely on the principles of diffusion to create images.  Alternatives based on the process behind … Lees verder op Tech Meme

Van het westen uit langdurig regen. Vrijdag vooral langs de kust buien KNMI : 21-09-2023

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Van het westen uit langdurig regen. Vrijdag vooral langs de kust buien Verwachting voor vandaag en morgen Waarschuwingen Er zijn geen waarschuwingen. Vanochtend schijnt de zon in het oosten misschien nog even. Elders is het bewolkt. Een gebied met regen boven het westen breidt zich geleidelijk over het hele land uit. De zuidelijke wind is matig, aan zee en op het IJsselmeer krachtig, windkracht 6. In de loop van de ochtend draait de wind in het westen naar west en neemt af naar zwak tot matig.Vanmiddag is het bewolkt en regent het op veel plaatsen. Soms regent het stevig door.… Lees verder »Van het westen uit langdurig regen. Vrijdag vooral langs de kust buien KNMI : 21-09-2023

Hands-on with Bard Extensions, which lets the chatbot use data from Gmail, Docs, and Drive: the feature hallucinated emails, made wrong travel plans, and more (Kevin Roose/New York Times) 21-09-2023

Kevin Roose / New York Times: Hands-on with Bard Extensions, which lets the chatbot use data from Gmail, Docs, and Drive: the feature hallucinated emails, made wrong travel plans, and more  —  The chatbot now pulls information from a user’s Gmail, Google Docs and Google Drive accounts.  The feature leaves a lot to be desired. Lees verder op Tech Meme

A look at AI-generated geometric art crafted using Stable Diffusion and ControlNet, a neural network structure that adds extra conditions to diffusion models (Keisha Oleaga/nft now) 21-09-2023

Keisha Oleaga / nft now: A look at AI-generated geometric art crafted using Stable Diffusion and ControlNet, a neural network structure that adds extra conditions to diffusion models  —  This past weekend, a new kind of artwork made waves across the Internet: AI-generated spiral art. Lees verder op Tech Meme

The DOJ removes public access to Google's emails, charts, and internal presentations that had come out as evidence in the antitrust lawsuit against the company (Bloomberg) 21-09-2023

Bloomberg: The DOJ removes public access to Google’s emails, charts, and internal presentations that had come out as evidence in the antitrust lawsuit against the company  —  Trial is already limited in visibility to those who personally attend court … Google had challenged the government’s posting … Lees verder op Tech Meme

Sources: Apple spent billions of dollars developing a modem chip for the new iPhones to cut ties with Qualcomm, but the chip was slow and prone to overheating (Wall Street Journal) 21-09-2023

Wall Street Journal: Sources: Apple spent billions of dollars developing a modem chip for the new iPhones to cut ties with Qualcomm, but the chip was slow and prone to overheating  —  The company set out to design a silicon chip that would allow it to cut ties with Qualcomm, a longtime supplier and bitter foe Lees verder op Tech Meme

A consortium led by Japan Industrial Partners gains 78.65% of Toshiba via a tender offer, setting the company up to be taken private as early as December (Makiko Yamazaki/Reuters) 21-09-2023

Makiko Yamazaki / Reuters: A consortium led by Japan Industrial Partners gains 78.65% of Toshiba via a tender offer, setting the company up to be taken private as early as December  —  A consortium led by private equity firm Japan Industrial Partners (JIP) gained 78.65% of Toshiba (6502.T) through a tender offer … Lees verder op Tech Meme