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As Cruise suspends all driverless operations, a look at the lack of clear federal regulations and fragmented oversight governing self-driving cars in the US (Trisha Thadani/Washington Post) 29-10-2023

Trisha Thadani / Washington Post: As Cruise suspends all driverless operations, a look at the lack of clear federal regulations and fragmented oversight governing self-driving cars in the US  —  The whiplash from approval to ban in just two months highlights the fragmented oversight governing the fledgling industry Lees verder op Tech Meme

How Japan is leading the race to regulate stablecoins with a new law that took effect in June 2023 and includes terms to protect the assets backing stablecoins (Emily Parker/CoinDesk) 29-10-2023

Emily Parker / CoinDesk: How Japan is leading the race to regulate stablecoins with a new law that took effect in June 2023 and includes terms to protect the assets backing stablecoins  —  Japan’s new law tries to address one of the biggest fears about major stablecoins: Do issuers really have the assets to back them? Lees verder op Tech Meme

Q&A with Founders Fund GP Keith Rabois on why the firm cut its new fund in half, investing in online wholesale marketplace Faire and jobs board Traba, and more (Connie Loizos/TechCrunch) 29-10-2023

Connie Loizos / TechCrunch: Q&A with Founders Fund GP Keith Rabois on why the firm cut its new fund in half, investing in online wholesale marketplace Faire and jobs board Traba, and more  —  “If the rest of the world wants to lose money as venture capitalists, sometimes it’s in a founder’s interest to take that money” Lees verder op Tech Meme

Wisselvallig herfstweer KNMI : 28-10-2023

Wisselvallig herfstweer Verwachting voor vandaag en morgen Waarschuwingen Zondagmiddag is er Code Geel voor onweersbuien. Komende nacht trekt een regengebied van zuidwest naar noordoost over het land. Daarna trekken nog enkele buien over, met in de kustprovincies kans op onweer. De minimumtemperatuur loopt uiteen van 13°C in het zuiden tot 9°C in het noordoosten aan het begin van de nacht. De wind komt uit een zuidelijke richting en wordt boven land matig tot vrij krachtig, aan zee en op het IJsselmeer krachtig tot hard, windkracht 6-7. Morgenochtend komt er in het noordwestelijk kustgebied een enkele bui voor, mogelijk met onweer.… Lees verder »Wisselvallig herfstweer KNMI : 28-10-2023

HackerOne says its bug bounty programs have awarded $300M+ in rewards since the platform's inception, with 30 hackers earning $1M+ and one receiving $4M+ (Bill Toulas/BleepingComputer) 28-10-2023

Bill Toulas / BleepingComputer: HackerOne says its bug bounty programs have awarded $300M+ in rewards since the platform’s inception, with 30 hackers earning $1M+ and one receiving $4M+  —  HackerOne has announced that its bug bounty programs have awarded over $300 million in rewards to ethical hackers and vulnerability researchers since the platform’s inception. Lees verder op Tech Meme

Apple fixed an old bug exposing a device's real MAC address to nearby wireless routers even when Private Wi-Fi Address is enabled, including in Lockdown Mode (Dan Goodin/Ars Technica) 27-10-2023

Dan Goodin / Ars Technica: Apple fixed an old bug exposing a device’s real MAC address to nearby wireless routers even when Private Wi-Fi Address is enabled, including in Lockdown Mode  —  “From the get-go, this feature was useless,” researcher says of feature put into iOS 14.  —  Three years ago, Apple introduced … Lees verder op Tech Meme