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Matrix, an open protocol for decentralized messaging, says its network has 115M+ users, up from 60M in July 2022, after releasing Matrix 2.0 in September 2023 (Bill Toulas/BleepingComputer) 25-10-2023

Bill Toulas / BleepingComputer: Matrix, an open protocol for decentralized messaging, says its network has 115M+ users, up from 60M in July 2022, after releasing Matrix 2.0 in September 2023  —  The team behind the Matrix open standard and real-time communication protocol has announced the release of its second major version … Lees verder op Tech Meme

FOIA documents: ICE used a tool called GOST to decide if US visa applicants' social media posts are “derogatory” to the US, as part of immigration enforcement (Joseph Cox/404 Media) 25-10-2023

Joseph Cox / 404 Media: FOIA documents: ICE used a tool called GOST to decide if US visa applicants’ social media posts are “derogatory” to the US, as part of immigration enforcement  —  Thumbs up, or thumbs down: that’s the option presented to analysts when the tool Giant Oak Search Technology surfaces content … Lees verder op Tech Meme

Wisselvallig KNMI : 25-10-2023

Wisselvallig Verwachting voor vandaag en morgen Waarschuwingen Er zijn geen waarschuwingen. Vannacht komt in de kustgebieden een enkele bui voor. De minimumtemperatuur ligt rond 7°C. De zuid- tot zuidwestenwind is zwak tot matig, langs de noordkust en op het IJsselmeer (vrij) krachtig. Vanochtend zijn er eerst vooral in het noorden perioden met zon. In het zuiden wordt de bewolking dikker en gaat het later regenen. De zwakke tot matige wind draait van zuid naar zuidoost. Vanmiddag breidt de regen zich over het midden en noorden uit. In het noorden is de zon eerst nog af en toe te zien. De… Lees verder »Wisselvallig KNMI : 25-10-2023

Qualcomm unveils the S7 and S7 Pro chips with increased memory, AI capabilities, and more, designed for earbuds, headphones, and speakers to be released in 2024 (Chris Welch/The Verge) 25-10-2023

Chris Welch / The Verge: Qualcomm unveils the S7 and S7 Pro chips with increased memory, AI capabilities, and more, designed for earbuds, headphones, and speakers to be released in 2024  —  Any flagship pair of headphones or earbuds you buy nowadays is going to be very, very good.  Noise cancellation has grown … Lees verder op Tech Meme

Alphabet reports Q3 revenue up 11% YoY to $77B, net income up 42% YoY to $19.7B, and Google ad revenue up 9% YoY to $59.65B; GOOG drops ~6% on cloud sales miss (Alphabet) 24-10-2023

Alphabet: Alphabet reports Q3 revenue up 11% YoY to $77B, net income up 42% YoY to $19.7B, and Google ad revenue up 9% YoY to $59.65B; GOOG drops ~6% on cloud sales miss  —  MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. – October 24, 2023 – Alphabet Inc. (NASDAQ: GOOG, GOOGL) today announced financial results for the quarter ended September 30, 2023. Lees verder op Tech Meme

Kaiko: in 2023, 3,400+ crypto tokens or trading pairs have been delisted from exchanges or been inactive for a long time, 15% more than for all of 2022 (Olga Kharif/Bloomberg) 25-10-2023

Olga Kharif / Bloomberg: Kaiko: in 2023, 3,400+ crypto tokens or trading pairs have been delisted from exchanges or been inactive for a long time, 15% more than for all of 2022  —  – More than 3,400 tokens are being dropped from exchanges  — Amount is the most ever going back to 2016 data, Kaiko says Lees verder op Tech Meme