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Toenemende bewolking, vannacht en morgenochtend enkele buien KNMI : 11-08-2023

  • knmi

Toenemende bewolking, vannacht en morgenochtend enkele buien Verwachting voor vandaag en morgen Waarschuwingen Er zijn geen waarschuwingen. Vanavond neemt de bewolking van het zuidwesten uit toe. In het zuidoosten valt plaatselijk wat regen. De wind draait van west naar zuid en is zwak tot matig. Komende nacht trekken er enkele buien over het land. Er is een kleine kans op onweer. De minimumtemperatuur wordt 17°C. De wind uit zuidelijke richtingen is zwak, langs de kust matig. Morgenochtend is er veel bewolking en zijn er enkele buien, in het oosten plaatselijk met onweer. De wind uit het zuiden neemt toe naar… Lees verder »Toenemende bewolking, vannacht en morgenochtend enkele buien KNMI : 11-08-2023

Sources and docs detail Worldcoin's struggle to define its purpose, the orb not scanning Asian people's eyes and allowing multiple signups per person, and more (Richard Nieva/Forbes) 11-08-2023

Richard Nieva / Forbes: Sources and docs detail Worldcoin’s struggle to define its purpose, the orb not scanning Asian people’s eyes and allowing multiple signups per person, and more  —  Is it a crypto company?  A biometric authentication platform?  A “human economic system”?  Inside Worldcoin’s struggle to find itself. Lees verder op Tech Meme

X lowers its eligibility threshold for ad revenue sharing from 15M to 5M impressions in the past three months; Musk: “only views from verified handles count” (Ivan Mehta/TechCrunch) 11-08-2023

Ivan Mehta / TechCrunch: X lowers its eligibility threshold for ad revenue sharing from 15M to 5M impressions in the past three months; Musk: “only views from verified handles count”  —  Elon Musk-owned social network X, formerly Twitter, said late Thursday that it is lowering requirements for its creator payout program. Lees verder op Tech Meme

ION Group, which sells trading, analytics, and other financial market tools, plans to acquire Italian credit management company Prelios, sources say for €1.35B (Reuters) 11-08-2023

Reuters: ION Group, which sells trading, analytics, and other financial market tools, plans to acquire Italian credit management company Prelios, sources say for €1.35B  —  U.S. hedge fund Davidson Kempner Capital Management (DK) said on Friday it had agreed to sell Prelios to fintech firm ION Group … Lees verder op Tech Meme

Zoom updates its terms of service and rewords a recent blog to explicitly say that “communications-like customer content” won't be used to train AI models (Jay Peters/The Verge) 11-08-2023

Jay Peters / The Verge: Zoom updates its terms of service and rewords a recent blog to explicitly say that “communications-like customer content” won’t be used to train AI models  —  Zoom has updated its terms of service and reworded a blog post explaining recent terms of service changes referencing its generative AI tools. Lees verder op Tech Meme