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Google announces new security features for Workspace, including zero-trust, data loss prevention, and digital sovereignty controls, rolling out in 2023 and 2024 (David Gewirtz/ZDNet) 24-08-2023

David Gewirtz / ZDNet: Google announces new security features for Workspace, including zero-trust, data loss prevention, and digital sovereignty controls, rolling out in 2023 and 2024  —  Google Workspace, your most secure choice in productivity suites, will be getting even more secure. Lees verder op Tech Meme

Vannacht meest droog. In de middag en avond kans op onweersbuien KNMI : 23-08-2023

  • knmi

Vannacht meest droog. In de middag en avond kans op onweersbuien Verwachting voor vandaag en morgen Waarschuwingen Vanmiddag kans op stevige onweersbuien (code geel). Vannacht is er in het zuidoosten kans op regen, misschien onweert het daarbij ook. In de rest van het land blijft het droog. In het noorden kan op een enkele plek mist ontstaan. De minimumtemperatuur loopt uiteen van 11°C in het noorden tot 18°C in het zuiden. Er is weinig wind. Vanochtend is het vrij zonnig. Later in de ochtend neemt de bewolking toe en kan er in het (zuid)westen een enkele regen- of onweersbui voorkomen.… Lees verder »Vannacht meest droog. In de middag en avond kans op onweersbuien KNMI : 23-08-2023

Snowflake reports Q2 revenue up 36% YoY to $674M, vs. $662M est., net loss up 2% YoY to $227M, and projects Q3 product revenue of $670M to $675M, vs. $675M est. (Emily Bary/MarketWatch) 23-08-2023

Emily Bary / MarketWatch: Snowflake reports Q2 revenue up 36% YoY to $674M, vs. $662M est., net loss up 2% YoY to $227M, and projects Q3 product revenue of $670M to $675M, vs. $675M est.  —  Company logs a sizable beat on adjusted earnings  —  Snowflake Inc. broke from its pattern of outlook cuts Wednesday afternoon … Lees verder op Tech Meme

Apple says it supports California's Right to Repair Act, which passed a Senate vote in May and is awaiting approval before going to a full assembly vote (Brian Heater/TechCrunch) 23-08-2023

Brian Heater / TechCrunch: Apple says it supports California’s Right to Repair Act, which passed a Senate vote in May and is awaiting approval before going to a full assembly vote  —  In a surprise move, Apple this week penned a letter to California state senator Susan Talamantes Eggman, voicing support for SB 244 … Lees verder op Tech Meme

Yahoo acquires CommonStock, launched in 2020 to let retail investors share insights based on their brokerage account information; CommonStock had raised ~$34M (Sara Fischer/Axios) 24-08-2023

Sara Fischer / Axios: Yahoo acquires CommonStock, launched in 2020 to let retail investors share insights based on their brokerage account information; CommonStock had raised ~$34M  —  Yahoo has acquired CommonStock, a social platform designed for retail investors to share insights based on information linked directly … Lees verder op Tech Meme