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Vanavond droog en eerst zon. Donderdag kans op onweersbuien KNMI : 23-08-2023

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Vanavond droog en eerst zon. Donderdag kans op onweersbuien Verwachting voor vandaag en morgen Waarschuwingen Er zijn geen waarschuwingen. Vanavond is er behalve in het noorden weinig bewolking. Het blijft droog en er is weinig wind. Komende nacht is er in het zuidoosten kans op regen, misschien onweert het daarbij ook. In de rest van het land blijft het droog. In het noorden kan op een enkele plek mist ontstaan. De minimumtemperatuur loopt uiteen van 11°C in het noorden tot 18°C in het zuiden. Er is weinig wind. Morgenochtend lost eventuele mist in het noorden snel op en is het… Lees verder »Vanavond droog en eerst zon. Donderdag kans op onweersbuien KNMI : 23-08-2023

A decade after data analytics promised to revolutionize US agriculture, many farmers are still waiting for the tech to pay off and are swamped in a data deluge (Belle Lin/Wall Street Journal) 23-08-2023

Belle Lin / Wall Street Journal: A decade after data analytics promised to revolutionize US agriculture, many farmers are still waiting for the tech to pay off and are swamped in a data deluge  —  Uptake of agtech tools has been tepid, and even many farmers who do use them struggle with the software and a flood of data from their farms Lees verder op Tech Meme

Qualcomm updates its lineup of processors designed for gaming handhelds, adding the G1 and G2 chips for cheaper devices and the flagship Snapdragon G3x Gen 2 (Andrew E. Freedman/Tom's Hardware) 23-08-2023

Andrew E. Freedman / Tom’s Hardware: Qualcomm updates its lineup of processors designed for gaming handhelds, adding the G1 and G2 chips for cheaper devices and the flagship Snapdragon G3x Gen 2  —  Three tiers of chips, anchored by the new G3x Gen 2  —  Qualcomm is updating its lineup of processors designed for dedicated gaming handhelds … Lees verder op Tech Meme

LLMs, Transformers, and diffusion models represent an entirely new AI era and discontinuity from the past machine learning capabilities of the CNN/RNN/GAN world (Elad Gil/Elad Blog) 23-08-2023

Elad Gil / Elad Blog: LLMs, Transformers, and diffusion models represent an entirely new AI era and discontinuity from the past machine learning capabilities of the CNN/RNN/GAN world  —  Rather then view LLMs, Transformers, and diffusion models as part of a continuum with past “AI”, it is worth thinking … Lees verder op Tech Meme

Sources: Nvidia plans to at least triple its production of the H100 in 2024, predicting shipments of between 1.5M to 2M units, up from 500K expected in 2023 (Financial Times) 23-08-2023

Financial Times: Sources: Nvidia plans to at least triple its production of the H100 in 2024, predicting shipments of between 1.5M to 2M units, up from 500K expected in 2023  —  Server production hampered by tight stocks of Nvidia processors and other components  —  Investors are set to assess whether enormous demand … Lees verder op Tech Meme

Sony unveils the PlayStation Portal, an 8-inch handheld console that can stream games from a PS5 over Wi-Fi in 1080p at 60fps, available later in 2023 for $200 (Tom Warren/The Verge) 23-08-2023

Tom Warren / The Verge: Sony unveils the PlayStation Portal, an 8-inch handheld console that can stream games from a PS5 over Wi-Fi in 1080p at 60fps, available later in 2023 for $200  —  Sony is officially launching its portable PlayStation later this year, the PlayStation Portal remote player. Lees verder op Tech Meme

Antenna: Netflix added ~2.6M new US users in July, more than any other paid streaming service but down 26% from June 2023; ~23% signed up for Netflix's ad tier (Lucas Shaw/Bloomberg) 23-08-2023

Lucas Shaw / Bloomberg: Antenna: Netflix added ~2.6M new US users in July, more than any other paid streaming service but down 26% from June 2023; ~23% signed up for Netflix’s ad tier  —  – The streaming service had more sign-ups than any other in July  — Netflix user growth in the US had stopped in recent years Lees verder op Tech Meme

NCC Group observed a record 502 ransomware attacks in July, up from 198 in July 2022, and tied the Cl0p ransomware-as-a-service gang to 171 attacks in July 2023 (Charlie Osborne/ZDNet) 23-08-2023

Charlie Osborne / ZDNet: NCC Group observed a record 502 ransomware attacks in July, up from 198 in July 2022, and tied the Cl0p ransomware-as-a-service gang to 171 attacks in July 2023  —  Ransomware attacks reached record levels in July 2023, driven by the Cl0p ransomware group’s exploitation of MOVEit software. Lees verder op Tech Meme