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SolanaFM: the FTX estate staked 5.5M SOL, valued at $122M, from a principal wallet, delegating the coins to network validator Figment; FTX has $1B+ in SOL (Vishal Chawla/The Block) 16-10-2023

Vishal Chawla / The Block: SolanaFM: the FTX estate staked 5.5M SOL, valued at $122M, from a principal wallet, delegating the coins to network validator Figment; FTX has $1B+ in SOL  —  – The FTX estate has staked over 5.5 million Solana worth $122 million.  — A wallet address identified as managed … Lees verder op Tech Meme the US now holds 200K+ bitcoin, worth $5B+, seized from criminals and darknet markets; an IRS executive says sales are “set by the timing in our process” (Vicky Ge Huang/Wall Street Journal) 16-10-2023

Vicky Ge Huang / Wall Street Journal: the US now holds 200K+ bitcoin, worth $5B+, seized from criminals and darknet markets; an IRS executive says sales are “set by the timing in our process”  —  Uncle Sam’s stash of some 200,000 bitcoin was seized from cybercriminals and darknet markets Lees verder op Tech Meme

Tokyo-based, KKR-owned chipmaking equipment maker Kokusai Electric raised $724.4M in its IPO, after pricing shares at ~$12.30, valuing the company at ~$2.8B (Reuters) 16-10-2023

Reuters: Tokyo-based, KKR-owned chipmaking equipment maker Kokusai Electric raised $724.4M in its IPO, after pricing shares at ~$12.30, valuing the company at ~$2.8B  —  Chip equipment maker Kokusai Electric (6525.T) has raised $724.4 million after pricing its shares at the top end of their marketed range … Lees verder op Tech Meme

Mojang announces 300M+ copies of Minecraft sold in ~15 years; Rockstar's GTA V is the second best-selling game ever after reportedly selling ~185M in ~10 years (Ash Parrish/The Verge) 16-10-2023

Ash Parrish / The Verge: Mojang announces 300M+ copies of Minecraft sold in ~15 years; Rockstar’s GTA V is the second best-selling game ever after reportedly selling ~185M in ~10 years  —  Today, it adds more down to that particular feather in its cap with the announcement that it has sold a staggering 300 million copies. Lees verder op Tech Meme

Geleidelijk minder buien. Dinsdag zonnig en droog KNMI : 16-10-2023

Geleidelijk minder buien. Dinsdag zonnig en droog Verwachting voor vandaag en morgen Waarschuwingen Er zijn geen waarschuwingen. Vanochtend komen er vooral in het westen enkele buien voor. Elders blijft het grotendeels droog. Er is vrij veel bewolking, maar vooral in het zuidoosten breekt de zon ook door. Er is weinig wind. Aan zee staat een matige wind uit west tot noordwest. In het Waddengebied is de wind vrij krachtig.Vanmiddag komt er aan de kust nog een lichte bui voor. In de rest van het land blijft het droog. Het is half tot zwaar bewolkt en het wordt ongeveer 13°C. Er… Lees verder »Geleidelijk minder buien. Dinsdag zonnig en droog KNMI : 16-10-2023