Cheaper New Entry-Level Apple Pencil Gets USB-C, Cuts Pressure Sensitivity – CNET 17-10-2023
The new Apple Pencil is missing some of the second-gen model’s features, but comes at a more affordable price.Lees verder op Cnet
The new Apple Pencil is missing some of the second-gen model’s features, but comes at a more affordable price.Lees verder op Cnet
Edit text, add images, annotate files, insert digital signatures, convert to and from PDF and customize other elements in your files with this all-in-one software.Lees verder op Cnet
13:08 De vermoedelijke dader van de schietpartij in Brussel zei lid te zijn van de terreurgroep Islamitische Staat. Hoewel over zijn drijfveren nog klaarheid moet komen, zien experts dat IS al langer aan kr…Lees verder op De Tijd
16:08 In 2022 maakte de politie meer dan 1.400 keer melding van Tunesiërs in illegaal verblijf. Slechts in 33 gevallen leidde dat tot een effectieve terugkeer. Het geval van de dader van de aanslag in Bruss…Lees verder op De Tijd
Ingrid Lunden / TechCrunch: Nirvana Insurance, which uses AI, telematics, IoT, and 15B miles of trucking data to insure commercial truck fleets, raised a $57M Series B led by Lightspeed — Nirvana Insurance — an insurance startup taking a new approach to insurance products for commercial fleets using artificial intelligence … Lees verder op Tech Meme
Sandali Handagama / CoinDesk: Binance.US updates its terms of use to stop dollar withdrawals, saying users must convert “US dollar funds to stablecoin or other digital assets” — U.S. dollar deposits in user wallets are no longer eligible for FDIC insurance protection, according to the updated terms of use. Lees verder op Tech Meme
Sara Fischer / Axios: Patreon acquires Moment, which helps creators host live-streamed, ticketed experiences like podcasts and concerts and has raised $13.5M since its 2019 founding — Patreon, which connects creators with fans and get paid by them directly, has acquired Moment, a livestream platform for events … Lees verder op Tech Meme
15:31 In Brussel vond maandagavond een aanslag plaats, waarbij twee Zweedse voetbalsupporters om het leven gekomen zijn. De dader overleed dinsdagochtend in het ziekenhuis.Lees verder op De Tijd
Tory Newmyer / Washington Post: Former federal prosecutors say SBF’s prospects for beating the fraud charges he faces are rapidly deteriorating, as the US marshals damaging insider testimony — His former inner circle, now testifying for the prosecution, has offered damning details of the inner workings of his crypto empire Lees verder op Tech Meme
Wall Street Journal: The US plans to significantly constrict AI chip exports, including by Nvidia and Intel, hoping to close perceived loopholes in the export controls from 2022 — New rules make it tougher for Nvidia and Intel to sell advanced semiconductors to the Chinese market Lees verder op Tech Meme