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Vannacht plaatselijk dichte mist. Zonnig en zeer warm weekend KNMI : 09-09-2023

  • knmi

Vannacht plaatselijk dichte mist. Zonnig en zeer warm weekend Verwachting voor vandaag en morgen Waarschuwingen Vannacht en vanochtend plaatselijk dichte mist in de westelijke helft van het land (code geel). Vannacht ontstaat vooral in de westelijke helft van het land dichte mist. Het koelt af naar 15°C. Er is bijna geen wind. Vanochtend lost de mist in de loop van de ochtend op. Verder is het zonnig en blijft het droog. Er staat amper wind.Vanmiddag is het zonnig. In het Waddengebied is er kans op mist of bewolking van zee. De maximumtemperatuur ligt tussen 25°C aan de kust en 31°C… Lees verder »Vannacht plaatselijk dichte mist. Zonnig en zeer warm weekend KNMI : 09-09-2023

Reddit can now translate posts into eight languages, including Spanish and French, when viewing them on its mobile apps or on the web while logged out (Jay Peters/The Verge) 09-09-2023

Jay Peters / The Verge: Reddit can now translate posts into eight languages, including Spanish and French, when viewing them on its mobile apps or on the web while logged out  —  Reddit can now translate posts into eight different languages when viewing them on Reddit’s iOS or Android apps or on the web while logged out … Lees verder op Tech Meme

An FTC judge rules that Intuit misled consumers with its ads claiming that TurboTax is free when most customers need to pay to use the tax preparation software (Bloomberg) 09-09-2023

Bloomberg: An FTC judge rules that Intuit misled consumers with its ads claiming that TurboTax is free when most customers need to pay to use the tax preparation software  —  – Judge orders company to stop advertising TurboTax as free  — Intuit to appeal ‘flawed and highly questionable’ decision Lees verder op Tech Meme

A US appeals court finds the White House, the CDC, and the FBI likely violated the First Amendment by influencing tech companies' moderation on COVID-19 posts (Cat Zakrzewski/Washington Post) 09-09-2023

Cat Zakrzewski / Washington Post: A US appeals court finds the White House, the CDC, and the FBI likely violated the First Amendment by influencing tech companies’ moderation on COVID-19 posts  —  The Court upheld many restrictions on the White House and Surgeon General’s office’s contacts with tech companies, finding that they ‘coerced’ platforms’ content decisions Lees verder op Tech Meme