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Vanochtend plaatselijk dichte mist. Zonnig en zeer warm weekend KNMI : 09-09-2023

  • knmi

Vanochtend plaatselijk dichte mist. Zonnig en zeer warm weekend Verwachting voor vandaag en morgen Waarschuwingen Vanochtend op meerdere plaatsen dichte mist, plaatselijk zeer dichte mist. (code geel). Vanochtend lost de mist in de loop van de ochtend op. Verder is het zonnig en blijft het droog. Er staat amper wind.Vanmiddag is het zonnig. In het Waddengebied is er kans op mist of bewolking van zee. De maximumtemperatuur ligt tussen 25°C aan de kust en 31°C in het zuiden. Als er in het Waddengebied mist voorkomt dan wordt het daar maar 20°C. Er is weinig wind.Vanavond is er weinig bewolking en… Lees verder »Vanochtend plaatselijk dichte mist. Zonnig en zeer warm weekend KNMI : 09-09-2023

A profile of Maltese politician Alex Agius Saliba, who led the EU legislation making USB-C the standard, which may force Apple to replace its Lightning port (Ben Cohen/Wall Street Journal) 09-09-2023

Ben Cohen / Wall Street Journal: A profile of Maltese politician Alex Agius Saliba, who led the EU legislation making USB-C the standard, which may force Apple to replace its Lightning port  —  Apple’s new iPhone is expected to include a big change.  Why?  Ask someone from the EU’s smallest country. Lees verder op Tech Meme

Amazon requires writers in its e-book program to disclose the use of AI-generated content in their books, after complaints from the Authors Guild and others (Hillel Italie/Associated Press) 09-09-2023

Hillel Italie / Associated Press: Amazon requires writers in its e-book program to disclose the use of AI-generated content in their books, after complaints from the Authors Guild and others  —  After months of complaints from the Authors Guild and other groups, has started requiring writers who want to sell books through … Lees verder op Tech Meme

Google says North Korea-backed hackers are targeting security researchers with an exploit using a currently unfixed zero-day flaw in a popular software package (Dan Goodin/Ars Technica) 09-09-2023

Dan Goodin / Ars Technica: Google says North Korea-backed hackers are targeting security researchers with an exploit using a currently unfixed zero-day flaw in a popular software package  —  Google researchers say currently unfixed vulnerability affects a popular software package.  —  North Korea-backed hackers … Lees verder op Tech Meme

Code in Uber's iPhone app suggests the company is working on a TaskRabbit-like service, codenamed Chore, to let users hire people to conduct various tasks (Bloomberg) 09-09-2023

Bloomberg: Code in Uber’s iPhone app suggests the company is working on a TaskRabbit-like service, codenamed Chore, to let users hire people to conduct various tasks  —  – Uber is looking for new ways to grow beyond rides, deliveries  —  Uber Technologies Inc. is working on a TaskRabbit-like service … Lees verder op Tech Meme