Best 4K TV for 2023: High Definition at Every Price Range – CNET 08-09-2023
With 4K TVs becoming standard, there’s no shortage of choices on the market. But the best 4K TVs stand out for good reason.Lees verder op Cnet
With 4K TVs becoming standard, there’s no shortage of choices on the market. But the best 4K TVs stand out for good reason.Lees verder op Cnet
The agency closed an investigation into what went wrong during an April flight of the massive spacecraft that NASA will rely on to land astronauts on the moon.Lees verder op New York Times
Amitoj Singh / CoinDesk: Local media: Turkey sentences Faruk Fatih Özer, the CEO of defunct crypto exchange Thodex, to 11,196+ years; 400K+ users of Thodex lost $2B+ in crypto deposits — Thodex was one of Turkey’s largest crypto exchanges before it suddenly went offline in April 2021 and Özer went missing. Lees verder op Tech Meme
Alan Rappeport / New York Times: The IRS says it has started using AI to investigate complex cases of tax evasion at multibillion-dollar partnerships, large hedge funds, PE groups, and others — The tax agency is opening examinations into large hedge funds, private equity groups, real estate investors and law firms. Lees verder op Tech Meme
The tax agency is opening examinations into large hedge funds, private equity groups, real estate investors and law firms.Lees verder op New York Times
Ook morgen zonnig en zeer warm Verwachting voor vandaag en morgen Waarschuwingen Er zijn geen waarschuwingen. Vanavond is het onbewolkt. Aan het einde van de avond kan vooral in het westen lokaal mist ontstaan. Er staat weinig wind. Vannacht ontstaat vooral in het westen en midden op meerdere plaatsen mist. De minima liggen rond 15°C. Er is weinig wind. Morgenochtend lost de mist snel op. Verder is het zonnig, maar blijft er in het noordelijk kustgebied een kans op mist of bewolking vanaf zee bestaan. Er staat amper wind.Morgenmiddag is het zonnig. De maximumtemperatuur ligt tussen 25°C aan de kust… Lees verder »Ook morgen zonnig en zeer warm KNMI : 08-09-2023
17:29 De handige manier waarop Van Quickenborne zich uit pipigate draait, illustreert dat hij een politieke kat is met negen levens.Lees verder op De Tijd
Ron Miller / TechCrunch: SAP acquires Germany-based startup LeanIX, which sells tools that map out companies’ IT architecture, sources say for $1.2B+; LeanIX had raised almost $120M — As companies look to stave off technical debt, a process of aging systems limiting a company’s ability to modernize … Lees verder op Tech Meme
Tom Warren / The Verge: A look at Microsoft’s device-agnostic game streaming model; sources say Microsoft prototyped a cloud-focused Xbox handheld, but its cloud gaming work has slowed — With Steam Deck competitors on the rise, Microsoft has been focused on phones for Xbox Cloud Gaming so far. Lees verder op Tech Meme
Amitoj Singh / CoinDesk: Local media: Turkey sentences Faruk Fatih Özer, the CEO of defunct crypto exchange Thodex, to 11,196+ years; 400K+ users of Thodex lost $2B+ in crypto deposits — Thodex was one of Turkey’s largest crypto exchanges before it suddenly went offline in April 2021 and Özer went missing. Lees verder op Tech Meme