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Vanmiddag perioden met zon, vanavond enkele stevige (onweers)buien KNMI : 18-09-2023

  • knmi

Vanmiddag perioden met zon, vanavond enkele stevige (onweers)buien Verwachting voor vandaag en morgen Waarschuwingen Vanaf het einde van de middag van het zuidwesten uit enkele stevige regen- en onweersbuien met hagel en (zware) windstoten. (code geel). Dinsdagmiddag in het noordwestelijk en noordelijk kustgebied kans op zware windstoten. Vanmiddag schijnt de zon geregeld en is het eerst droog. In de loop van de middag kan en een enkele bui ontstaan. Aan het einde van de middag bereikt een gebied met stevige regen- en onweersbuien het zuidwesten. Bij deze buien is hagel mogelijk en kans op windstoten van 60-75 km/uur. De maximumtemperatuur… Lees verder »Vanmiddag perioden met zon, vanavond enkele stevige (onweers)buien KNMI : 18-09-2023

A look at the proliferation of pirated movies and TV shows on TikTok, posted as bite-sized clips by accounts that don't appear to make money from the content (Ann-Marie Alcántara/Wall Street Journal) 17-09-2023

Ann-Marie Alcántara / Wall Street Journal: A look at the proliferation of pirated movies and TV shows on TikTok, posted as bite-sized clips by accounts that don’t appear to make money from the content  —  The videos violate copyright laws, but they remain available—for now  —  “Barbie” just hit streaming platforms.  It was on TikTok first. Lees verder op Tech Meme

The US should not push to regulate most aspects of AI, letting the tech mature for positive uses, to avoid favoring incumbents and forcing the industry overseas (Elad Gil/Elad Blog) 18-09-2023

Elad Gil / Elad Blog: The US should not push to regulate most aspects of AI, letting the tech mature for positive uses, to avoid favoring incumbents and forcing the industry overseas  —  There have been multiple call to regulate AI.  It is too early to do so.  —  [While I was finalizing this post … Lees verder op Tech Meme

The UK CMA outlines seven principles for regulating AI foundation models and plans to speak to Meta, Google, OpenAI, Nvidia, and others before a report in 2024 (Bloomberg) 18-09-2023

Bloomberg: The UK CMA outlines seven principles for regulating AI foundation models and plans to speak to Meta, Google, OpenAI, Nvidia, and others before a report in 2024  —  – CMA to develop AI regulation position in ‘significant program’  — CMA says ‘real risk’ that AI could undermine consumer trust Lees verder op Tech Meme

AI writing startup Writer, used by L'Oréal, Spotify, and Uber to create digital marketing campaigns, raised $100M led by Iconiq Growth at a $500M+ valuation (Rachel Metz/Bloomberg) 18-09-2023

Rachel Metz / Bloomberg: AI writing startup Writer, used by L’Oréal, Spotify, and Uber to create digital marketing campaigns, raised $100M led by Iconiq Growth at a $500M+ valuation  —  The company’s technology can write and summarize a wide range of text. … Led by Chief Executive Officer May Habib … Lees verder op Tech Meme