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Sources: Amazon is hiring Microsoft's former Chief Product Officer Panos Panay to run the division responsible for Alexa and the Echo smart speakers (Bloomberg) 18-09-2023

Bloomberg: Sources: Amazon is hiring Microsoft’s former Chief Product Officer Panos Panay to run the division responsible for Alexa and the Echo smart speakers  — Inc. is hiring Microsoft Corp.’s product chief to run the division responsible for Alexa and the Echo smart speakers, according to people familiar with the situation. Lees verder op Tech Meme

In de oostelijke helft nog onweersbuien, aan zee kans op zware windstoten KNMI : 18-09-2023

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In de oostelijke helft nog onweersbuien, aan zee kans op zware windstoten Verwachting voor vandaag en morgen Waarschuwingen Onweersbuien in de oostelijke helft, in de kustgebieden vanavond en morgenmiddag zware windstoten (code geel). Vanavond is het half tot zwaar bewolkt en trekken er eerst nog pittige regen- en onweersbuien over de oostelijke helft van het land. Bij deze buien is kans op windstoten van 60-75 km/uur, langs de noordwestkust zijn (ook buiten buien) zware windstoten mogelijk van 75-85 km/uur. Ook elders komen enkele buien voor met nog een kleine kans op onweer. De zuidwestenwind is matig tot vrij krachtig, aan… Lees verder »In de oostelijke helft nog onweersbuien, aan zee kans op zware windstoten KNMI : 18-09-2023

Hong Kong IPOs: AI startup and US Entity List member Beijing Fourth Paradigm aims to raise up to $144M and cloud hospital startup Neusoft Xikang aims for $101M (Scott Murdoch/Reuters) 18-09-2023

Scott Murdoch / Reuters: Hong Kong IPOs: AI startup and US Entity List member Beijing Fourth Paradigm aims to raise up to $144M and cloud hospital startup Neusoft Xikang aims for $101M  —  Three Chinese firms, led by AI software company Beijing Fourth Paradigm, are aiming to raise up to $280 million in Hong Kong initial public offerings launched on Monday. Lees verder op Tech Meme

On X, French President Emmanuel Macron backpedals after saying video games “intoxicated” some young rioters and declares games are an “integral part of France” (Associated Press) 18-09-2023

Associated Press: On X, French President Emmanuel Macron backpedals after saying video games “intoxicated” some young rioters and declares games are an “integral part of France”  —  French President Emmanuel Macron is extending an olive branch to video gamers after previously linking computer games … Lees verder op Tech Meme

The US should not regulate most AI, letting the tech mature for positive uses, to avoid favoring incumbents, killing startups, and forcing the industry overseas (Elad Gil/Elad Blog) 18-09-2023

Elad Gil / Elad Blog: The US should not regulate most AI, letting the tech mature for positive uses, to avoid favoring incumbents, killing startups, and forcing the industry overseas  —  There have been multiple call to regulate AI.  It is too early to do so.  —  [While I was finalizing this post … Lees verder op Tech Meme