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Extremely Online book excerpt: how Julia Allison invented the concept of a content creator in the mid-2000s, for which journalists and others villainized her (Taylor Lorenz/Rolling Stone) 14-09-2023

Taylor Lorenz / Rolling Stone: Extremely Online book excerpt: how Julia Allison invented the concept of a content creator in the mid-2000s, for which journalists and others villainized her  —  In her book ‘Extremely Online,’ journalist Taylor Lorenz details how Julia Allison invented the concept of being a content creator a decade before it caught on Lees verder op Tech Meme

Vandaag droog en zonnige perioden. Vrijdag zonnig en warmer KNMI : 14-09-2023

  • knmi

Vandaag droog en zonnige perioden. Vrijdag zonnig en warmer Verwachting voor vandaag en morgen Waarschuwingen Er zijn geen waarschuwingen. Vanochtend blijft het droog. Er is veel zon, maar in het noordelijk kustgebied is er ook wat bewolking. Landinwaarts staat er weinig wind, langs de kust is de zuidenwind matig.Vanmiddag zijn er zonnige perioden en blijft het droog. De middagtemperatuur ligt rond 20°C. Landinwaarts staat er weinig wind, langs de kust is de wind matig en mogelijk gaat de wind van zee waaien.Vanavond is het vrij helder en droog bij weinig wind. Komende nacht blijft het droog. De minimumtemperatuur ligt tussen… Lees verder »Vandaag droog en zonnige perioden. Vrijdag zonnig en warmer KNMI : 14-09-2023

Researchers develop RETFound, an AI tool capable of predicting the risk of ocular diseases, heart failure, Parkinson's disease, and more based on retinal images (Mariana Lenharo/Nature) 14-09-2023

Mariana Lenharo / Nature: Researchers develop RETFound, an AI tool capable of predicting the risk of ocular diseases, heart failure, Parkinson’s disease, and more based on retinal images  —  You can also search for this author in  —  PubMed Google Scholar  —  Scientists have developed an artificial intelligence … Lees verder op Tech Meme

Wayve unveils Lingo-1 self-driving car system that the company claims can explain its actions with ~60% accuracy compared to human answers; availability TBD (Financial Times) 14-09-2023

Financial Times: Wayve unveils Lingo-1 self-driving car system that the company claims can explain its actions with ~60% accuracy compared to human answers; availability TBD  —  Company says use of AI gives vehicle owners more confidence in the technology but accepts model needs ‘more training’ Lees verder op Tech Meme

Top10VPN: the government's internet shutdowns in India between 2019 and 2022 cost $4.8B+ in economic activity and affected more than 120M people in 2022 (Newley Purnell/Wall Street Journal) 14-09-2023

Newley Purnell / Wall Street Journal: Top10VPN: the government’s internet shutdowns in India between 2019 and 2022 cost $4.8B+ in economic activity and affected more than 120M people in 2022  —  Online sellers and ride-hailing drivers count the cost as authorities cut off the internet more than in any other country Lees verder op Tech Meme

Child content creators, or “kidfluencers”, some of whom make $20M+/year, show that protecting kids from labor exploitation is difficult in the social media age (Tyler Cowen/Bloomberg) 14-09-2023

Tyler Cowen / Bloomberg: Child content creators, or “kidfluencers”, some of whom make $20M+/year, show that protecting kids from labor exploitation is difficult in the social media age  —  Protecting children from labor exploitation is difficult in the age of social media. Lees verder op Tech Meme