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Source: OpenAI is on pace to generate more than $1B in revenue over the next 12 months from the sale of AI software and the computing capacity that powers it (Amir Efrati/The Information) 30-08-2023

Amir Efrati / The Information: Source: OpenAI is on pace to generate more than $1B in revenue over the next 12 months from the sale of AI software and the computing capacity that powers it  —  OpenAI is currently on pace to generate more than $1 billion in revenue over the next 12 months from the sale of artificial intelligence software … Lees verder op Tech Meme

Eerst overwegend droog, van het westen uit buien KNMI : 30-08-2023

  • knmi

Eerst overwegend droog, van het westen uit buien Verwachting voor vandaag en morgen Waarschuwingen Er zijn geen waarschuwingen. Vannacht is het eerst vrijwel overal droog. In het westen neemt de kans op een bui aan het einde van de nacht toe. De minimumtemperatuur loopt uiteen van 9°C plaatselijk landinwaarts tot 14°C aan zee. De wind komt uit het zuidwesten en is zwak tot matig, aan zee en op het IJsselmeer mogelijk af en toe vrij krachtig. Vanochtend is het half tot zwaar bewolkt en trekken buien van het westen uit over het land met daarbij een kans op onweer. De… Lees verder »Eerst overwegend droog, van het westen uit buien KNMI : 30-08-2023

Google previews AlloyDB AI, an integrated set of capabilities built into AlloyDB for PostgreSQL to help developers build generative AI apps using their own data (Kyle Wiggers/TechCrunch) 29-08-2023

Kyle Wiggers / TechCrunch: Google previews AlloyDB AI, an integrated set of capabilities built into AlloyDB for PostgreSQL to help developers build generative AI apps using their own data  —  AlloyDB, Google’s fully managed PostgresSQL-compatible database service, is gaining a few AI smarts. Lees verder op Tech Meme

Best Printer for 2023 – CNET 29-08-2023

  • Cnet

From home office printers to printers for an entire department, we’ve tested the best printers on the market. Find the perfect printer for your needs today!Lees verder op Cnet

GM extends its Google Cloud partnership to use AI, leveraging chatbots for handling simple OnStar calls, freeing up operators to address more complex requests (Andrew J. Hawkins/The Verge) 29-08-2023

Andrew J. Hawkins / The Verge: GM extends its Google Cloud partnership to use AI, leveraging chatbots for handling simple OnStar calls, freeing up operators to address more complex requests  —  General Motors is using conversational AI chatbots to handle simple OnStar calls, freeing up the service’s human employees … Lees verder op Tech Meme

Letter: the UFC, the NBA, and the NFL tell the USPTO that the DMCA needs to be updated so live content can be removed “instantaneously or near-instantaneously” (Ernesto Van der Sar/TorrentFreak) 29-08-2023

Ernesto Van der Sar / TorrentFreak: Letter: the UFC, the NBA, and the NFL tell the USPTO that the DMCA needs to be updated so live content can be removed “instantaneously or near-instantaneously”  —  The UFC, NBA, and NFL would like help from the U.S. Government to tackle live streaming piracy. Lees verder op Tech Meme

HPE reports Q3 revenue up 1% YoY to $7B, HPC & AI revenue up 1% YoY to $836M, Intelligent Edge revenue up 50% YoY to $1.4B, and bumps its FY 2023 profit outlook (Brody Ford/Bloomberg) 29-08-2023

Brody Ford / Bloomberg: HPE reports Q3 revenue up 1% YoY to $7B, HPC & AI revenue up 1% YoY to $836M, Intelligent Edge revenue up 50% YoY to $1.4B, and bumps its FY 2023 profit outlook  —  Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co. boosted its annual profit outlook, confident that businesses are upgrading technology despite concerns about the economy. Lees verder op Tech Meme