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Google unveils SynthID, a tool that can embed an invisible digital “watermark” into AI-generated images, available now to Cloud customers for Imagen-made images (Gerrit De Vynck/Washington Post) 29-08-2023

Gerrit De Vynck / Washington Post: Google unveils SynthID, a tool that can embed an invisible digital “watermark” into AI-generated images, available now to Cloud customers for Imagen-made images  —  The tech giant is among companies pushing out AI tools while promising to build more tools to protect against their misuse Lees verder op Tech Meme

Snap rolls out Dreams, Snapchat's take on the generative AI selfies that Lensa and others popularized, charging $1 for an eight-photo pack; the first is free (Alex Heath/The Verge) 29-08-2023

Alex Heath / The Verge: Snap rolls out Dreams, Snapchat’s take on the generative AI selfies that Lensa and others popularized, charging $1 for an eight-photo pack; the first is free  —  After releasing its My AI chatbot earlier this year, Snapchat is now jumping on the AI selfie bandwagon with a new feature called Dreams. Lees verder op Tech Meme

Af en toe zon en een enkele bui, morgen meer buien KNMI : 29-08-2023

  • knmi

Af en toe zon en een enkele bui, morgen meer buien Verwachting voor vandaag en morgen Waarschuwingen Er zijn geen waarschuwingen. Vanavond zijn er opklaringen en komen in het oosten nog enkele buien voor. De wind is zwak tot matig en draait naar zuidwest. Komende nacht is het eerst vrijwel overal droog. In de loop van de nacht komen er in het westen buien voor. De minimumtemperatuur loopt uiteen van 9°C plaatselijk landinwaarts tot 14°C aan zee. De zuidwestenwind is zwak tot matig, aan zee en op het IJsselmeer mogelijk af en toe vrij krachtig. Morgenochtend is het half tot… Lees verder »Af en toe zon en een enkele bui, morgen meer buien KNMI : 29-08-2023

WhatsApp launches a new native macOS app via its website, coming soon to the App Store, that lets eight users join video calls and 32 users join audio calls (Ivan Mehta/TechCrunch) 29-08-2023

Ivan Mehta / TechCrunch: WhatsApp launches a new native macOS app via its website, coming soon to the App Store, that lets eight users join video calls and 32 users join audio calls  —  WhatsApp said that it has launched a new native app for Mac today.  The app will allow users to participate in video calls … Lees verder op Tech Meme

Apple announces a September 12 event at 10am PT at Apple Park titled “Wonderlust”, where four iPhone 15 models, the Apple Watch Series 9, and more are expected (Juli Clover/MacRumors) 29-08-2023

Juli Clover / MacRumors: Apple announces a September 12 event at 10am PT at Apple Park titled “Wonderlust”, where four iPhone 15 models, the Apple Watch Series 9, and more are expected  —  Apple today announced plans to hold a special event on Tuesday, September 12 at 10:00 a.m. Pacific Time. Lees verder op Tech Meme