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Stephen King reflects on his books being used for AI training, arguing the sum is lesser than its parts, so far, as creativity can't happen without sentience (Stephen King/The Atlantic) 27-08-2023

Stephen King / The Atlantic: Stephen King reflects on his books being used for AI training, arguing the sum is lesser than its parts, so far, as creativity can’t happen without sentience  —  One prominent author responds to the revelation that his writing is being used to coach artificial intelligence.  —  Self-driving cars. Lees verder op Tech Meme

A look at the UK's new DARPA-inspired Advanced Research and Invention Agency (ARIA), which has a four-year £800M budget to invest in breakthrough tech like AI (Clive Cookson/Financial Times) 26-08-2023

Clive Cookson / Financial Times: A look at the UK’s new DARPA-inspired Advanced Research and Invention Agency (ARIA), which has a four-year £800M budget to invest in breakthrough tech like AI  —  Head of Advanced Research and Invention Agency tells FT it has appointed directors charged with selecting projects Lees verder op Tech Meme

A Pepe memecoin team member says three ex-colleagues stole about 16T Pepe tokens worth $15M from the project's multisig before selling them on crypto exchanges (James Hunt/The Block) 27-08-2023

James Hunt / The Block: A Pepe memecoin team member says three ex-colleagues stole about 16T Pepe tokens worth $15M from the project’s multisig before selling them on crypto exchanges  —  – Approximately 16 trillion Pepe tokens ($15 million) were illicitly transferred to crypto exchanges OKX, Binance … Lees verder op Tech Meme

Vandaag talrijke buien, morgen af en toe zon en nog een enkele bui KNMI : 27-08-2023

  • knmi

Vandaag talrijke buien, morgen af en toe zon en nog een enkele bui Verwachting voor vandaag en morgen Waarschuwingen Er zijn geen waarschuwingen. Vanochtend is er aanvankelijk veel bewolking en trekt er een gebied met buien over de noordoostelijke helft. Ook in de westelijke kustprovincies komen buien voor, met kans op onweer en windvlagen tot 60 km/uur. Later breekt de zon ook af en toe door. Landinwaarts is er weinig wind, aan de kust staat een matige wind uit het zuiden.Vanmiddag is het half tot zwaar bewolkt met talrijke buien. Landinwaarts kan er daarbij onweer voorkomen. Plaatselijk kan 20 mm… Lees verder »Vandaag talrijke buien, morgen af en toe zon en nog een enkele bui KNMI : 27-08-2023

A look at the UK's new DARPA-inspired Advanced Research and Invention Agency (ARIA), which has a four-year £800M budget to invest in breakthrough tech like AI (Clive Cookson/Financial Times) 26-08-2023

Clive Cookson / Financial Times: A look at the UK’s new DARPA-inspired Advanced Research and Invention Agency (ARIA), which has a four-year £800M budget to invest in breakthrough tech like AI  —  Head of Advanced Research and Invention Agency tells FT it has appointed directors charged with selecting projects Lees verder op Tech Meme

A look at the UK's new DARPA-inspired Advanced Research and Invention Agency (ARIA), which has a four-year £800M budget to invest in breakthrough tech like AI (Clive Cookson/Financial Times) 26-08-2023

Clive Cookson / Financial Times: A look at the UK’s new DARPA-inspired Advanced Research and Invention Agency (ARIA), which has a four-year £800M budget to invest in breakthrough tech like AI  —  Head of Advanced Research and Invention Agency tells FT it has appointed directors charged with selecting projects Lees verder op Tech Meme

Vooral zondag overdag opnieuw veel buien. KNMI : 27-08-2023

  • knmi

Vooral zondag overdag opnieuw veel buien. Verwachting voor vandaag en morgen Waarschuwingen Er zijn geen waarschuwingen. Vannacht blijft er in het noordwestelijk kustgebied kans op buien, mogelijk met onweer. Elders is het eerst op veel plaatsen droog, maar later neemt ook in het zuiden de kans op een bui weer toe. Op een enkele plek kan mist ontstaan. De minimumtemperaturen liggen rond 11°C. Er is weinig wind. Vanochtend komt er in het begin mogelijk plaatselijk mist voor. Verder is het half tot zwaar bewolkt. Vooral in de kustgebieden komen buien voor, maar ook in het oosten trekken waarschijnlijk enkele buien… Lees verder »Vooral zondag overdag opnieuw veel buien. KNMI : 27-08-2023

A look at the UK's new DARPA-inspired Advanced Research and Invention Agency (ARIA), which has a four-year £800M budget to invest in breakthrough tech like AI (Clive Cookson/Financial Times) 26-08-2023

Clive Cookson / Financial Times: A look at the UK’s new DARPA-inspired Advanced Research and Invention Agency (ARIA), which has a four-year £800M budget to invest in breakthrough tech like AI  —  Head of Advanced Research and Invention Agency tells FT it has appointed directors charged with selecting projects Lees verder op Tech Meme

Linus Tech Tips founder Linus Sebastian addresses errors and ethics but not sexual harassment claims, responding to accusations that prompted a production pause (Wes Davis/The Verge) 27-08-2023

Wes Davis / The Verge: Linus Tech Tips founder Linus Sebastian addresses errors and ethics but not sexual harassment claims, responding to accusations that prompted a production pause  —  Linus Media Group (LMG) founder Linus Sebastian explained LMG’s HR policies and how it will improve accuracy and ethics in a video posted to YouTube last night. Lees verder op Tech Meme

A look at the UK's new DARPA-inspired Advanced Research and Invention Agency (ARIA), which has a four-year £800M budget to invest in breakthrough tech like AI (Clive Cookson/Financial Times) 26-08-2023

Clive Cookson / Financial Times: A look at the UK’s new DARPA-inspired Advanced Research and Invention Agency (ARIA), which has a four-year £800M budget to invest in breakthrough tech like AI  —  Head of Advanced Research and Invention Agency tells FT it has appointed directors charged with selecting projects Lees verder op Tech Meme