Best 4K TV for 2023: High Def at Every Price Range – CNET 23-08-2023
With 4K TVs becoming standard, there’s no shortage of choices on the market. But the best 4K TVs stand out for good reason.Lees verder op Cnet
With 4K TVs becoming standard, there’s no shortage of choices on the market. But the best 4K TVs stand out for good reason.Lees verder op Cnet
Bad actors frequently target borrowers who may be confused by the process, the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators says.Lees verder op Cnet
It has a compact design, can make up to 44 pounds of ice per day and right now you can snag it on sale for just $170.Lees verder op Cnet
The most visible winner of the artificial intelligence boom achieved its dominance by becoming a one-stop shop for A.I. development, from chips to software to other services.Lees verder op New York Times
Sales for the current quarter will nearly triple their total a year ago, said the company, which makes chips essential to the development of A.I. systems.Lees verder op New York Times
Vanavond droog. Donderdag kans op onweersbuien Verwachting voor vandaag en morgen Waarschuwingen Donderdagmiddag kans op stevige onweersbuien (code geel). Vanavond is er behalve in het noorden weinig bewolking. Het blijft droog en er is weinig wind. Komende nacht is er in het zuidoosten kans op regen, misschien onweert het daarbij ook. In de rest van het land blijft het droog. In het noorden kan op een enkele plek mist ontstaan. De minimumtemperatuur loopt uiteen van 11°C in het noorden tot 18°C in het zuiden. Er is weinig wind. Morgenochtend lost eventuele mist in het noorden snel op en is het… Lees verder »Vanavond droog. Donderdag kans op onweersbuien KNMI : 23-08-2023
Zac Bowden / Windows Central: Sources: Microsoft is experimenting with new AI capabilities in Windows 11 apps, including generating a canvas from text in Paint and OCR in Snipping Tool — Microsoft wants to enhance Windows with AI in more ways than one. — What you need to know — Microsoft is experimenting … Lees verder op Tech Meme
Asus’ newest smartphone supports wireless charging and is priced from $700.Lees verder op Cnet
You’ll find the DC superhero movie on Max.Lees verder op Cnet
A newly published patent suggests that the Apple Watch could transform its color to match any object you want.Lees verder op Cnet