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E-commerce marketing company Klaviyo files for a US IPO and reports H1 2023 revenue of ~$321M, vs. ~$208M YoY, and $15.2M net income, vs. a $24.6M net loss YoY (Annie Palmer/CNBC) 25-08-2023

Annie Palmer / CNBC: E-commerce marketing company Klaviyo files for a US IPO and reports H1 2023 revenue of ~$321M, vs. ~$208M YoY, and $15.2M net income, vs. a $24.6M net loss YoY  —  – Marketing automation company Klaviyo became the latest tech company to try to join the public markets, after Instacart and Arm submitted IPO filings. Lees verder op Tech Meme

Sources: a company spending $800M+ to buy thousands of acres to build a new Bay Area city is backed by Michael Moritz, Reid Hoffman, Marc Andreessen, and others (New York Times) 25-08-2023

New York Times: Sources: a company spending $800M+ to buy thousands of acres to build a new Bay Area city is backed by Michael Moritz, Reid Hoffman, Marc Andreessen, and others  —  A mysterious company has spent $800 million in an effort to buy thousands of acres of San Francisco Bay Area land. Lees verder op Tech Meme

Enkele buien KNMI : 25-08-2023

  • knmi

Enkele buien Verwachting voor vandaag en morgen Waarschuwingen Er zijn geen waarschuwingen. Komende nacht is het op de meeste plaatsen droog. De minimumtemperatuur komt uit rond 13°C. Er is weinig wind. In het zuidwesten en aan de westkust staat een matige, later aan de kust vrij krachtige zuidwestenwind. Morgenochtend schijnt eerst de zon volop. Aan de westkust en in het noordwesten komen er later enkele buien, mogelijk met onweer. De zuidwestenwind is matig, langs de westkust vrij krachtig.Morgenmiddag schijnt af en toe de zon, maar komen er ook nog enkele buien voor. Vooral verder landinwaarts is daar onweer bij mogelijk.… Lees verder »Enkele buien KNMI : 25-08-2023

How Meta and YouTube, battered by content moderation wars, are following X in retreating from policing political misinformation, raising US 2024 election fears (Washington Post) 25-08-2023

Washington Post: How Meta and YouTube, battered by content moderation wars, are following X in retreating from policing political misinformation, raising US 2024 election fears  —  Facebook and YouTube are receding from their role as watchdogs against conspiracy theories ahead of the 2024 presidential election Lees verder op Tech Meme

Instacart files for a US IPO, reports 2022 revenue up 39% YoY to $2.55B, $428M net income, up from a $73M loss in 2021, and H1 2023 revenue up 31% YoY to $1.48B (Dan Primack/Axios) 25-08-2023

Dan Primack / Axios: Instacart files for a US IPO, reports 2022 revenue up 39% YoY to $2.55B, $428M net income, up from a $73M loss in 2021, and H1 2023 revenue up 31% YoY to $1.48B  —  Grocery delivery giant Instacart on Friday filed for its initial public offering, with expectations that its shares will begin trading on the Nasdaq next month. Lees verder op Tech Meme

Emsisoft: the MOVEit Transfer breach has so far impacted 1,000+ known victim organizations, of which 83.9% are based in the US, and 60M+ individuals (Carly Page/TechCrunch) 25-08-2023

Carly Page / TechCrunch: Emsisoft: the MOVEit Transfer breach has so far impacted 1,000+ known victim organizations, of which 83.9% are based in the US, and 60M+ individuals  —  At least 60 million individuals affected, though the true number is far higher  —  A mass-hack involving the MOVEit Transfer software … Lees verder op Tech Meme