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Warm en zonnig zomerweer KNMI : 16-06-2023

Warm en zonnig zomerweer Verwachting voor vandaag en morgen Waarschuwingen Er zijn geen waarschuwingen. Vanmiddag schijnt de zon volop. De maximumtemperatuur loopt uiteen van 20°C op de Wadden tot 28°C in het zuiden. Het blijft droog. In het noorden en oosten staat er een matige wind uit een noordwestelijke richting. Langs de zuidwestkust staat er een noordoostenwind. Elders is er weinig wind.Vanavond is het zonnig met in het zuidoosten eerst nog wat bewolking. Het blijft droog. Er staat een zwakke tot matige wind uit noordwest tot noord. Komende nacht blijft het droog. In het noorden en noordoosten kan plaatselijk mist… Lees verder »Warm en zonnig zomerweer KNMI : 16-06-2023

France's public prosecutor investigates Binance over the “illegal” provision of digital asset services and “acts of aggravated money laundering” (CoinDesk) 16-06-2023

CoinDesk: France’s public prosecutor investigates Binance over the “illegal” provision of digital asset services and “acts of aggravated money laundering”  —  Binance is suspected of illegally providing digital asset services to local customers, and implementing poor money laundering checks … Lees verder op Tech Meme

Reddit says 80% of its top subreddits are currently open; Reddark estimates that 5K+ subreddits are limiting access, down from almost 9K on June 12 (Anne VanderMey/Bloomberg) 16-06-2023

Anne VanderMey / Bloomberg: Reddit says 80% of its top subreddits are currently open; Reddark estimates that 5K+ subreddits are limiting access, down from almost 9K on June 12  —  Reddit Inc. said that most of the company’s communities were operating as normal — four days after a protest that shut down thousands … Lees verder op Tech Meme

Hanan Elatr, the widow of Jamal Khashoggi, sues the NSO Group in Virginia, claiming Saudi Arabia used the Israeli company's Pegasus tool to track them both (Dana Priest/Washington Post) 16-06-2023

Dana Priest / Washington Post: Hanan Elatr, the widow of Jamal Khashoggi, sues the NSO Group in Virginia, claiming Saudi Arabia used the Israeli company’s Pegasus tool to track them both  —  In the lawsuit, Hanan Elatr says Saudi Arabia used NSO’s Pegasus spyware to track her and her husband’s whereabouts before he was murdered Lees verder op Tech Meme

In a cease-and-desist order, Texas' securities regulator says crypto lender Abra has been insolvent for months and accuses the company of securities fraud (Nikhilesh De/CoinDesk) 16-06-2023

Nikhilesh De / CoinDesk: In a cease-and-desist order, Texas’ securities regulator says crypto lender Abra has been insolvent for months and accuses the company of securities fraud  —  State regulators say Abra held tens of millions of dollars’ worth of assets on now bankrupt platforms. Lees verder op Tech Meme