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Amazon is testing generative AI for product review summaries, giving an overview of what customers liked and disliked about a product, along with a disclaimer (Annie Palmer/CNBC) 13-06-2023

Annie Palmer / CNBC: Amazon is testing generative AI for product review summaries, giving an overview of what customers liked and disliked about a product, along with a disclaimer  —  – Amazon is testing the use of artificial intelligence to generate summaries of reviews left on some products. Lees verder op Tech Meme

Vendors allege Hippocratic AI co-founder's former startup Health IQ, which faces a fraud lawsuit, owes millions; Hippocratic AI raised $50M from a16z and others (Katie Jennings/Forbes) 13-06-2023

Katie Jennings / Forbes: Vendors allege Hippocratic AI co-founder’s former startup Health IQ, which faces a fraud lawsuit, owes millions; Hippocratic AI raised $50M from a16z and others  —  The venture firm made a repeat investment in Munjal Shah, but his previous company Health IQ is facing allegations of millions … Lees verder op Tech Meme