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A district court judge upheld a US Copyright Office finding that artwork created by AI isn't eligible for copyright protection because it lacks human authorship (Winston Cho/The Hollywood Reporter) 19-08-2023

Winston Cho / The Hollywood Reporter: A district court judge upheld a US Copyright Office finding that artwork created by AI isn’t eligible for copyright protection because it lacks human authorship  —  A federal judge on Friday upheld a finding from the U.S. Copyright Office that a piece of art created by AI is not open to protection. Lees verder op Tech Meme

Private equity firm EQT plans to take German software company SUSE private at €16/share, below its 2021 IPO's €30 price but above August 17's €9.6 closing price (Simon Sharwood/The Register) 18-08-2023

Simon Sharwood / The Register: Private equity firm EQT plans to take German software company SUSE private at €16/share, below its 2021 IPO’s €30 price but above August 17’s €9.6 closing price  —  Buyout offer is at €16 per share, compared to €30 at its 2021 IPO  —  Linux-loving software house SUSE … Lees verder op Tech Meme

Private equity firm EQT plans to take German software company SUSE private at €16/share, below its 2021 IPO's €30 price but above August 17's €9.6 closing price (Simon Sharwood/The Register) 18-08-2023

Simon Sharwood / The Register: Private equity firm EQT plans to take German software company SUSE private at €16/share, below its 2021 IPO’s €30 price but above August 17’s €9.6 closing price  —  Buyout offer is at €16 per share, compared to €30 at its 2021 IPO  —  Linux-loving software house SUSE … Lees verder op Tech Meme

Zomers weekeinde, vandaag in het noorden eerst kans op een (onweers)bui KNMI : 18-08-2023

  • knmi

Zomers weekeinde, vandaag in het noorden eerst kans op een (onweers)bui Verwachting voor vandaag en morgen Waarschuwingen Er zijn geen waarschuwingen. Vannacht is het op de meeste plaatsen droog. Later vannacht is er in het noordwesten en (uiterste) westen een enkele regen- of onweersbui mogelijk. Plaatselijk kan er eerst nog mist voorkomen. Met temperaturen die op veel plaatsen niet beneden de 20°C komen is het een zeer warme nacht. Er staat een zwakke tot matige oostelijke wind. Vanochtend is het half tot zwaar bewolkt en in het noordwesten en noorden is een enkele regen- of onweersbui mogelijk, elders blijft het… Lees verder »Zomers weekeinde, vandaag in het noorden eerst kans op een (onweers)bui KNMI : 18-08-2023

Private equity firm EQT plans to take German software company SUSE private at €16/share, below its 2021 IPO's €30 price but above August 17's €9.6 closing price (Simon Sharwood/The Register) 18-08-2023

Simon Sharwood / The Register: Private equity firm EQT plans to take German software company SUSE private at €16/share, below its 2021 IPO’s €30 price but above August 17’s €9.6 closing price  —  Buyout offer is at €16 per share, compared to €30 at its 2021 IPO  —  Linux-loving software house SUSE … Lees verder op Tech Meme

Canadian Heritage Minister Pascale St-Onge demands that Meta lift its “reckless” news ban on Facebook and Instagram for the safety of people fleeing wildfires (David Ljunggren/Reuters) 19-08-2023

David Ljunggren / Reuters: Canadian Heritage Minister Pascale St-Onge demands that Meta lift its “reckless” news ban on Facebook and Instagram for the safety of people fleeing wildfires  —  The Canadian government on Friday demanded that Meta (META.O) lift a “reckless” ban on domestic news from its platforms … Lees verder op Tech Meme