Best Pizza Ovens for 2023, All Tested by Us – CNET 11-08-2023
Grill, shmill. America is making pizzas now and these are the best backyard ovens to buy in 2023.Lees verder op Cnet
Grill, shmill. America is making pizzas now and these are the best backyard ovens to buy in 2023.Lees verder op Cnet
If you’re ready to upgrade your entertainment space with great-sounding audio, we’ve gathered a number of top-tier audio systems for your home theater.Lees verder op Cnet
Looking to move beyond Monopoly? Upgrade your game night with these competitive strategy board games.Lees verder op Cnet
Mr. Bankman-Fried had been under house arrest at his parents’ home as he awaited trial on charges stemming from the collapse of his cryptocurrency company, FTX.Lees verder op New York Times
Vannacht en morgenochtend enkele buien Verwachting voor vandaag en morgen Waarschuwingen Er zijn geen waarschuwingen. Komende nacht trekken er enkele buien over het land. Er is in het oosten een kleine kans op onweer. De minimumtemperatuur wordt 17°C. De wind uit zuidelijke richtingen is zwak, langs de kust matig. Morgenochtend is er veel bewolking en zijn er enkele buien, in het oosten plaatselijk met onweer. De wind uit het zuiden neemt toe naar matig, langs de kust naar vrij krachtig.Morgenmiddag trekken de buien oostwaarts en gaat de zon schijnen. In het oosten is er eerst nog kans op onweer. De… Lees verder »Vannacht en morgenochtend enkele buien KNMI : 11-08-2023
Reuters: ION Group, which sells trading, analytics, and other financial market tools, plans to acquire Italian credit management company Prelios, sources say for €1.35B — U.S. hedge fund Davidson Kempner Capital Management (DK) said on Friday it had agreed to sell Prelios to fintech firm ION Group … Lees verder op Tech Meme
Lawrence Abrams / BleepingComputer: Poland arrests five people as Europol and the DOJ take down the Lolek “bulletproof” hosting provider for allegedly facilitating Netwalker ransomware attacks — Update 8/11/23: Updated with information from DOJ about alleged Netwalker Ransomware involvement. Lees verder op Tech Meme
Connie Kim / HousingWire: SEC filing: plans to go public via a SPAC merger, raising $750M, after initially planning a $6B SPAC in May 2021 — Shareholders at SPAC partner Aurora Acquisitions voted in favor of the merger proposal — New York-based digital lender will be going public via … Lees verder op Tech Meme
AT&T Fiber tops our list — but with less than half of households wired for it, Spectrum’s cable internet may be the most (and only) practical alternative.Lees verder op Cnet
There aren’t many options for internet in Glendale, but the ones it does have are all solid choices.Lees verder op Cnet