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A profile of Window Snyder, who helped secure the early internet while at Microsoft and Mozilla, and pushed Apple to enable encryption by default in its devices (Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai/TechCrunch) 04-08-2023

Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai / TechCrunch: A profile of Window Snyder, who helped secure the early internet while at Microsoft and Mozilla, and pushed Apple to enable encryption by default in its devices  —  Snyder has made Windows, Mac computers, iPhones, and other technologies more secure for almost 25 years. Lees verder op Tech Meme

SoftBank sues former IRL CEO Abraham Shafi for fraud after investing $150M in IRL in 2021 on user metrics claims; IRL allegedly paid to fill the site with bots (Amir Efrati/The Information) 04-08-2023

Amir Efrati / The Information: SoftBank sues former IRL CEO Abraham Shafi for fraud after investing $150M in IRL in 2021 on user metrics claims; IRL allegedly paid to fill the site with bots  —  SoftBank sued former IRL CEO Abraham Shafi and five siblings and cousins for allegedly misleading the investor about the messaging app’s growth … Lees verder op Tech Meme

Enkele buien, maar ook af en toe zon KNMI : 04-08-2023

Enkele buien, maar ook af en toe zon Verwachting voor vandaag en morgen Waarschuwingen Er zijn geen waarschuwingen. Vanavond is er eerst nog een kleine kans op een bui. Verder zijn er enkele opklaringen. Er is weinig wind, maar aan de noordkust staat een matige noordwestenwind. Komende nacht ontstaat landinwaarts plaatselijk mist. Het koelt af naar 14°C in Zeeland tot plaatselijk 6°C in het oosten. Er is weinig wind. Morgenochtend lost eventuele mist op. Vooral in het noordoosten laat de zon zich regelmatig zien. In de loop van de ochtend neemt van het zuidwesten uit de bewolking toe en later… Lees verder »Enkele buien, maar ook af en toe zon KNMI : 04-08-2023

Toyota and, which has robotaxi services in cities like Beijing and Guangzhou, launch a joint venture and plan to spend $140M+ to mass produce robotaxis (Reuters) 04-08-2023

Reuters: Toyota and, which has robotaxi services in cities like Beijing and Guangzhou, launch a joint venture and plan to spend $140M+ to mass produce robotaxis  —  Toyota (7203.T) and partner are planning to mass produce robotaxis in China, setting up a venture this year which will build cars … Lees verder op Tech Meme

SEC filing: Alphabet sold nearly 90% of its Robinhood stake as of June 30, as part of paring back large positions in public companies like 23andMe and Duolingo (Rohan Goswami/CNBC) 04-08-2023

Rohan Goswami / CNBC: SEC filing: Alphabet sold nearly 90% of its Robinhood stake as of June 30, as part of paring back large positions in public companies like 23andMe and Duolingo  —  – Google parent Alphabet has pared back large positions in multiple publicly traded firms, including the trading platform Robinhood, 23andMe and Duolingo. Lees verder op Tech Meme