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A look at efforts in Asian jurisdictions like Hong Kong and Japan to clarify crypto rules, in contrast to the US, which remains mired in regulatory uncertainty (Suvashree Ghosh/Bloomberg) 04-08-2023

Suvashree Ghosh / Bloomberg: A look at efforts in Asian jurisdictions like Hong Kong and Japan to clarify crypto rules, in contrast to the US, which remains mired in regulatory uncertainty  —  – Hong Kong, Japan and South Korea rolled out fresh frameworks  — US lawmakers remain in heated debates over regulating crypto Lees verder op Tech Meme

Vrij wisselvallig en koel zomerweer KNMI : 04-08-2023

Vrij wisselvallig en koel zomerweer Verwachting voor vandaag en morgen Waarschuwingen Er zijn geen waarschuwingen. Vanochtend is het half tot zwaar bewolkt met enkele buien. Er staat een zwakke tot matige wind uit het westen.Vanmiddag zijn er enkele buien. Tussen de buien door is er ruimte voor de zon. Later in de middag wordt het in het westen droog. De maximumtemperatuur ligt rond 19°C. De wind uit het noordwesten is matig.Vanavond is er in het (zuid)oosten nog een enkele bui, elders is het droog met enkele opklaringen. Er is weinig wind, maar aan de noordkust staat een matige noordwestenwind. Komende… Lees verder »Vrij wisselvallig en koel zomerweer KNMI : 04-08-2023

A look at the digital-asset rules in Asian jurisdictions like Hong Kong and Japan as the region's regulators lead the US, which remains mired in a crypto fog (Suvashree Ghosh/Bloomberg) 04-08-2023

Suvashree Ghosh / Bloomberg: A look at the digital-asset rules in Asian jurisdictions like Hong Kong and Japan as the region’s regulators lead the US, which remains mired in a crypto fog  —  – Hong Kong, Japan and South Korea rolled out fresh frameworks  — US lawmakers remain in heated debates over regulating crypto Lees verder op Tech Meme

A look at Premier League soccer's fight against piracy as illegal live streams in the UK decline, with 600K+ blocked last season, and use of IPTV devices rises (Martyn Ziegler/The Times) 04-08-2023

Martyn Ziegler / The Times: A look at Premier League soccer’s fight against piracy as illegal live streams in the UK decline, with 600K+ blocked last season, and use of IPTV devices rises  —  With broadcasters losing billions of pounds a year to tech-savvy criminal networks, new weapons are needed in the war against an “industry killer” Lees verder op Tech Meme

Atlassian reports Q4 revenue up 24% YoY to $939.1M, vs. $914.6M est., and forecasts Q1 revenue above expectations; TEAM jumps 22%+ (Jordan Novet/CNBC) 04-08-2023

Jordan Novet / CNBC: Atlassian reports Q4 revenue up 24% YoY to $939.1M, vs. $914.6M est., and forecasts Q1 revenue above expectations; TEAM jumps 22%+  —  – Atlassian said that starting in the 2025 fiscal year, following a push to move customers to the cloud, margins will approach historical levels. Lees verder op Tech Meme