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Flipper releases an app store for its dolphin-themed digital multitool Flipper Zero, used to interact with wireless devices, helping users more easily find apps (Nathan Edwards/The Verge) 24-07-2023

Nathan Edwards / The Verge: Flipper releases an app store for its dolphin-themed digital multitool Flipper Zero, used to interact with wireless devices, helping users more easily find apps  —  The marketplace is built into the latest version of Flipper’s official app, which is out today.  —  Quick recap: the Flipper Zero is cool as hell. Lees verder op Tech Meme

Kaiko: monthly spot trading volumes on decentralized crypto exchanges dropped 76% YoY to $21B in June 2023; centralized exchanges slid 69% YoY to $429B (Sidhartha Shukla/Bloomberg) 24-07-2023

Sidhartha Shukla / Bloomberg: Kaiko: monthly spot trading volumes on decentralized crypto exchanges dropped 76% YoY to $21B in June 2023; centralized exchanges slid 69% YoY to $429B  —  – Volumes falling more sharply at decentralized crypto exchanges  — Traditional financial firms may add to competitive challenges Lees verder op Tech Meme

Vandaag enkele (onweers)buien, dinsdag perioden met zon KNMI : 24-07-2023

Vandaag enkele (onweers)buien, dinsdag perioden met zon Verwachting voor vandaag en morgen Waarschuwingen Vanmiddag in de oostelijke helft enkele onweersbuien, code geel. Vanmiddag is het half tot zwaar bewolkt en trekken er enkele buien over het land. Vooral in de oostelijke helft is er bij de buien kans op onweer, hagel en windstoten tot ongeveer 65 km/uur. De temperatuur ligt tussen de 17°C langs de noordwestkust tot 22°C in het oosten en zuidoosten. De matige, langs de kust vrij krachtige wind draait van zuidwest naar west, in de kustprovincies naar noordwest.Vanavond wordt het van het noordwesten uit overwegend droog en… Lees verder »Vandaag enkele (onweers)buien, dinsdag perioden met zon KNMI : 24-07-2023

Ahead of Amazon's WA worker safety hearing after inspectors found multiple hazards, its business model is on trial and enforced changes may weaken its advantage (Bloomberg) 24-07-2023

Bloomberg: Ahead of Amazon’s WA worker safety hearing after inspectors found multiple hazards, its business model is on trial and enforced changes may weaken its advantage  —  Hearings in Washington state starting in late July will usher in a period of broader government scrutiny of the e-commerce giant. Lees verder op Tech Meme

A look at Worldcoin's plans, “proof of personhood”, or creating a list of public keys, and its importance, social-graph and biometric, privacy issues, and more (Vitalik Buterin) 24-07-2023

Vitalik Buterin: A look at Worldcoin’s plans, “proof of personhood”, or creating a list of public keys, and its importance, social-graph and biometric, privacy issues, and more  —  Special thanks to the Worldcoin team, the Proof of Humanity community and Andrew Miller for discussion. Lees verder op Tech Meme