Phones With Replaceable Batteries: How They Might Make a Comeback – CNET 30-07-2023
New rules could mean you’ll be able to replace your phone’s battery. We talk with an expert about the promise and the challenges.Lees verder op Cnet
New rules could mean you’ll be able to replace your phone’s battery. We talk with an expert about the promise and the challenges.Lees verder op Cnet
We got to experience demos of some of the technology powering the MSG Sphere arena, opening this fall in Las Vegas.Lees verder op Cnet
Mike Masnick, who founded Techdirt in 1998, writes for an influential audience of lawmakers, C.E.O.s and activists. Somehow, he’s still an optimist about the promise of technology.Lees verder op New York Times
Allison Parshall / Quanta Magazine: An interview with Yael Tauman Kalai, a Microsoft cryptographer who won the 2022 ACM Prize in Computing, on cryptography, “post-quantum” security, and more — Yael Tauman Kalai’s breakthroughs secure the digital world, from cloud computing to our quantum future. Lees verder op Tech Meme
Propaganda is appearing in Minecraft and other popular games and discussion groups as the Kremlin tries to win over new audiences.Lees verder op New York Times
New York Times: Starlink’s near total control of satellite internet is raising global alarms; 4,500+ Starlink satellites are in orbit, accounting for 50%+ of active satellites — The tech billionaire has become the dominant power in satellite internet technology. The ways he is wielding that influence are raising global alarms. Lees verder op Tech Meme
The two-time world champions take on the South Americans in Sydney.Lees verder op Cnet
Hiroyuki Akiyama / Nikkei Asia: Japan plans to add ~110K new trainees to acquire digital skills through fiscal 2024, as the government projects a 2.3M digital worker shortage by fiscal 2026 — Tokyo aims to add 110,000 new trainees in the field over next two years — Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, left … Lees verder op Tech Meme
American intelligence officials believe the malware could give China the power to disrupt or slow American deployments or resupply operations, including during a Chinese move against Taiwan.Lees verder op New York Times
Aanhoudend wisselvallig zomerweer Verwachting voor vandaag en morgen Waarschuwingen Er staan geen waarschuwingen uit. Vannacht is het op de meeste plaatsen droog. Aan het einde van de nacht kan er langs de zuidwestkust een enkele bui ontstaan. De minimumtemperatuur ligt rond 14°C, vlak aan zee enkele graden hoger. De wind komt uit het zuidwesten en is zwak tot matig, langs de kust en op het IJsselmeer vrij krachtig, langs de zuidwestkust mogelijk krachtig, windkracht 6. Vanochtend is het half bewolkt en komen er eerst in het westen enkele buien voor. Later is ook elders een enkele bui mogelijk, het zuidoosten… Lees verder »Aanhoudend wisselvallig zomerweer KNMI : 30-07-2023