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Wisselend bewolkt en in het oosten een bui KNMI : 28-07-2023

Wisselend bewolkt en in het oosten een bui Verwachting voor vandaag en morgen Waarschuwingen Er zijn momenteel geen waarschuwingen. Vanavond is het wisselend bewolkt, geleidelijk lost de bewolking op. In het oosten en zuidoosten komen nog enkele buien voor. De wind uit het zuidwesten neemt boven land af naar zwak tot matig, langs de kust blijft de wind matig en langs de zuidwestkust wordt de wind vrij krachtig. Komende nacht komt er nog een enkele bui voor. De minimumtemperatuur wordt ongeveer 16°C. De wind komt uit het zuidwesten en is matig, aan de westkust af en toe vrij krachtig. Morgenochtend… Lees verder »Wisselend bewolkt en in het oosten een bui KNMI : 28-07-2023

Apple plans to require developers to submit reasons to use certain APIs in their apps starting this fall, to prevent the misuse of those APIs for fingerprinting (Filipe Espósito/9to5Mac) 28-07-2023

Filipe Espósito / 9to5Mac: Apple plans to require developers to submit reasons to use certain APIs in their apps starting this fall, to prevent the misuse of those APIs for fingerprinting  —  The App Store review process is very strict to ensure that apps comply with Apple’s guidelines.  And soon, this whole process will get even stricter. Lees verder op Tech Meme

Apple plans to require developers to submit reasons to use certain APIs in their apps starting this fall, to prevent the misuse of those APIs for fingerprinting (Filipe Espósito/9to5Mac) 28-07-2023

Filipe Espósito / 9to5Mac: Apple plans to require developers to submit reasons to use certain APIs in their apps starting this fall, to prevent the misuse of those APIs for fingerprinting  —  The App Store review process is very strict to ensure that apps comply with Apple’s guidelines.  And soon, this whole process will get even stricter. Lees verder op Tech Meme

US smartphone shipments fell 24% YoY in Q2 2023, the third consecutive quarter of decline; Samsung shipments fell 37% YoY, and Apple's fell 6% (Matthew Orf/Counterpoint Research) 28-07-2023

Matthew Orf / Counterpoint Research: US smartphone shipments fell 24% YoY in Q2 2023, the third consecutive quarter of decline; Samsung shipments fell 37% YoY, and Apple’s fell 6%  —  – Shipments declined YoY for the third consecutive quarter amid weak consumer demand.  — Android smartphone shipments declined 38% while Apple shipments fell 6% YoY. Lees verder op Tech Meme

Apple plans to require developers to submit reasons to use certain APIs in their apps starting this fall, to prevent the misuse of those APIs for fingerprinting (Filipe Espósito/9to5Mac) 28-07-2023

Filipe Espósito / 9to5Mac: Apple plans to require developers to submit reasons to use certain APIs in their apps starting this fall, to prevent the misuse of those APIs for fingerprinting  —  The App Store review process is very strict to ensure that apps comply with Apple’s guidelines.  And soon, this whole process will get even stricter. Lees verder op Tech Meme