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Aanhoudend nat, vrij koel en soms veel wind KNMI : 02-08-2023

Aanhoudend nat, vrij koel en soms veel wind Verwachting voor vandaag en morgen Waarschuwingen Vanmiddag stevige onweersbuien in het zuidoosten en oosten (code geel). Vanochtend is er veel bewolking en regent het op de meeste plaatsen. De wind waait uit zuidelijke richtingen en neemt langs de westkust toe naar krachtig tot hard, windkracht 6-7. Elders is de wind matig.Vanmiddag regent het eerst in het noorden nog. Verder zijn er perioden met zon en blijft het op veel plaatsen tijdelijk droog. In het oosten en zuidoosten ontstaan in de loop van de middag enkele stevige onweersbuien, mogelijk met hagel en windstoten.… Lees verder »Aanhoudend nat, vrij koel en soms veel wind KNMI : 02-08-2023

YouTube asks a small number of viewers to share their feedback on a test that generates AI-based “quick overview” summaries on some English-language videos (Chethan Rao/Android Police) 02-08-2023

Chethan Rao / Android Police: YouTube asks a small number of viewers to share their feedback on a test that generates AI-based “quick overview” summaries on some English-language videos  —  YouTube’s new experiment is currently limited to English content  —  YouTube constantly adds new features to its mobile … Lees verder op Tech Meme

3AC co-founder Kyle Davies tells a US court he is not subjecting himself to or accepting the jurisdiction of US courts since he renounced citizenship in 2020 (Colin Wilhelm/The Block) 02-08-2023

Colin Wilhelm / The Block: 3AC co-founder Kyle Davies tells a US court he is not subjecting himself to or accepting the jurisdiction of US courts since he renounced citizenship in 2020  —  – Three Arrows Capital co-founder Kyle Davies said he renounced his U.S. citizenship, and that U.S. courts no longer have jurisdiction over him. Lees verder op Tech Meme

Filings: Vanguard cut the value of its stake in Indian ride-hailing company Ola by 52%, implying Ola's total value to be $3.5B, down from $7.3B in December 2021 (Manish Singh/TechCrunch) 02-08-2023

Manish Singh / TechCrunch: Filings: Vanguard cut the value of its stake in Indian ride-hailing company Ola by 52%, implying Ola’s total value to be $3.5B, down from $7.3B in December 2021  —  The U.S. index fund pioneer Vanguard has cut the worth of its holding in the Indian ride-hailing startup Ola … Lees verder op Tech Meme

Aanhoudend wisselvallig KNMI : 02-08-2023

Aanhoudend wisselvallig Verwachting voor vandaag en morgen Waarschuwingen Vanmiddag stevige onweersbuien in het zuidoosten (code geel). Vannacht is het op veel plaatsen droog. Aan het einde van de nacht gaat het in het zuidwesten regenen. De minimumtemperatuur ligt rond 15°C. De zuidwestenwind is matig, langs de kust af en toe vrij krachtig. Vanochtend is er veel bewolking en regent het op de meeste plaatsen. De wind waait uit zuidelijke richtingen en neemt langs de westkust toe naar krachtig tot hard, windkracht 6-7. Elders is de wind matig.Vanmiddag regent het eerst in het noorden nog. Verder zijn er perioden met zon… Lees verder »Aanhoudend wisselvallig KNMI : 02-08-2023

A federal judge dismisses an industry group lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of a Utah law requiring adult websites to verify the age of their users (Sam Metz/Associated Press) 02-08-2023

Sam Metz / Associated Press: A federal judge dismisses an industry group lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of a Utah law requiring adult websites to verify the age of their users  —  A Utah law requiring adult websites to verify the age of their users will remain in effect after a federal judge dismissed a lawsuit … Lees verder op Tech Meme

A Voyager Digital lawyer says the crypto lender's user data may have been stolen when the company started letting customers recover their funds in June 2023 (Steven Church/Bloomberg) 02-08-2023

Steven Church / Bloomberg: A Voyager Digital lawyer says the crypto lender’s user data may have been stolen when the company started letting customers recover their funds in June 2023  —  – Voyager customers hit with scams amid bankruptcy payout  — Voyager lawyers referred potential hack to law enforcement Lees verder op Tech Meme

Sources: some top ad agency executives plan to commit at least 10% to 20% more with YouTube this fall than in 2022; traditional TV ad commitments are down 15% (Sahil Patel/The Information) 02-08-2023

Sahil Patel / The Information: Sources: some top ad agency executives plan to commit at least 10% to 20% more with YouTube this fall than in 2022; traditional TV ad commitments are down 15%  —  The Hollywood labor strikes have proven a boon for YouTube, with Google’s video-streaming service luring television ad buyers … Lees verder op Tech Meme

Glasgow university spinout Chemify, which is using a computing process to design new molecules with AI and make them in an automated lab, raised $43M (Clive Cookson/Financial Times) 02-08-2023

Clive Cookson / Financial Times: Glasgow university spinout Chemify, which is using a computing process to design new molecules with AI and make them in an automated lab, raised $43M  —  Chemify’s technology aims to remove bottleneck of producing molecules in the lab  —  A spinout from Glasgow university has raised $43mn to … Lees verder op Tech Meme

Apple removes many generative AI apps from its China App Store, supposedly over 100, ahead of China's new generative AI rules set to take effect on August 15 (Rita Liao/TechCrunch) 01-08-2023

Rita Liao / TechCrunch: Apple removes many generative AI apps from its China App Store, supposedly over 100, ahead of China’s new generative AI rules set to take effect on August 15  —  Multiple generative AI apps have been removed from Apple’s China App Store, two weeks ahead of the country’s new generative AI regulations … Lees verder op Tech Meme