‘An Act of War’: Inside America’s Silicon Blockade Against China 12-07-2023
The Biden administration thinks it can slow China’s economic growth by cutting it off from advanced computer chips. Could the plan backfire?Lees verder op New York Times
The Biden administration thinks it can slow China’s economic growth by cutting it off from advanced computer chips. Could the plan backfire?Lees verder op New York Times
Af en toe zon en enkele buien, vooral morgen soms met onweer Verwachting voor vandaag en morgen Waarschuwingen Er zijn geen waarschuwingen. Vanochtend is er aanvankelijk veel bewolking en komen er enkele buien voor, in het uiterste noorden mogelijk met onweer. In het zuidoosten blijft het vrijwel overal droog. Geleidelijk breekt de zon af en toe door, vooral in het noordwesten. Er staat een matige, aan de kust (vrij) krachtige wind uit het zuidwesten. Vanmiddag zijn er zonnige perioden en kan er zeer plaatselijk nog een bui voorkomen. De maximumtemperatuur loopt uiteen van 20°C aan zee tot 24°C plaatselijk in… Lees verder »Af en toe zon en enkele buien, vooral morgen soms met onweer KNMI : 12-07-2023
Sheila Chiang / CNBC: Temasek does not plan to invest in crypto companies due to regulatory uncertainty; the company wrote down its $275M FTX investment to zero in November 2022 — – Temasek is not currently looking to invest in crypto firms, following a $275 million FTX loss. — “There’s a lot of regulatory uncertainty in this environment. Lees verder op Tech Meme
Ingrid Lunden / TechCrunch: London-based Prolific, which stress tests AI models through its network of 120K human participants, raised £25M co-led by Partech and Oxford Science Enterprises — AI, when it works well, can feel like magic, but all too often AI-based systems don’t work as they should … Lees verder op Tech Meme
Alex Gabriel Simon / Bloomberg: Indian IT giant Wipro plans to spend $1B over the next three years to train its 250K employees in AI and integrate the technology into its product offerings — Wipro Ltd., the Indian outsourcing provider, plans to spend $1 billion to train its 250,000 employees in artificial intelligence … Lees verder op Tech Meme
08:40 Het Vlaams Agentschap Opgroeien waarschuwt in een interne nota aan minister van Welzijn Hilde Crevits (CD&V) dat kwetsbare jongeren niet geholpen worden door het personeelstekort.Lees verder op De Tijd
Ingrid Lunden / TechCrunch: London-based Prolific, which stress tests AI models through its network of 120K human participants, raised £25M co-led by Partech and Oxford Science Enterprises — AI, when it works well, can feel like magic, but all too often AI-based systems don’t work as they should … Lees verder op Tech Meme
New York Times: Microsoft says Chinese hackers gained access to US government email accounts and had access to some accounts for a month before the breach was detected — The hack, by a Chinese group that the company said was intent on conducting espionage, went undetected for a month. — Reporting from Washington Lees verder op Tech Meme
Financial Times: Sources: SoftBank-owned Arm is in talks to bring in Nvidia as an anchor investor while it presses ahead with plans for a New York IPO as soon as September — World’s most valuable semiconductor group discusses acquiring stake in SoftBank-owned chip designer ahead of New York listing Lees verder op Tech Meme
Sheila Chiang / CNBC: Temasek says it does not plan to invest in crypto companies due to regulatory uncertainty; the firm wrote down its $275M FTX investment to zero in November 2022 — – Temasek is not currently looking to invest in crypto firms, following a $275 million FTX loss. — “There’s a lot of regulatory uncertainty in this environment. Lees verder op Tech Meme