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China unveils the final version of its generative AI guidelines, which omits some restrictions from its April 2023 draft, signaling more flexible regulations (Bloomberg) 14-07-2023

Bloomberg: China unveils the final version of its generative AI guidelines, which omits some restrictions from its April 2023 draft, signaling more flexible regulations  —  China has loosened some of the guardrails it proposed for ChatGPT-style services months ago, as it acknowledges the need to compete … Lees verder op Tech Meme

After the US court ruling, Coinbase, Kraken, and Bitstamp resume XRP trading on their US exchanges and Gemini is exploring listing the token (Aoyon Ashraf/CoinDesk) 14-07-2023

Aoyon Ashraf / CoinDesk: After the US court ruling, Coinbase, Kraken, and Bitstamp resume XRP trading on their US exchanges and Gemini is exploring listing the token  —  U.S. federal court ruled on Thursday that sale of XRP tokens on exchanges and through algorithms did not constitute investment contracts. Lees verder op Tech Meme

Reddit plans to sunset its current coins and awards systems used to show post appreciation by September 12, 2023; no new coins can be purchased starting now (Jay Peters/The Verge) 14-07-2023

Jay Peters / The Verge: Reddit plans to sunset its current coins and awards systems used to show post appreciation by September 12, 2023; no new coins can be purchased starting now  —  Reddit is sunsetting its current coins and awards systems, meaning you soon won’t be able to thank a kind stranger for giving you Reddit Gold for one of your posts. Lees verder op Tech Meme

Twitter's creators program makes its first payouts, including to far-right influencers like Andrew Tate, who made over $20K, Ian Miles Cheong, and Benny Johnson (Taylor Lorenz/Washington Post) 14-07-2023

Taylor Lorenz / Washington Post: Twitter’s creators program makes its first payouts, including to far-right influencers like Andrew Tate, who made over $20K, Ian Miles Cheong, and Benny Johnson  —  The platform is paying high profile creators, including Andrew Tate, thousands of dollars for posting to the app Lees verder op Tech Meme

Netflix's Orange Is the New Black was an early indicator of how lopsided the streaming economy would be, as 10 actors from the show detail tiny residual incomes (Michael Schulman/New Yorker) 14-07-2023

Michael Schulman / New Yorker: Netflix’s Orange Is the New Black was an early indicator of how lopsided the streaming economy would be, as 10 actors from the show detail tiny residual incomes  —  The innovative and daring show was a worldwide hit for Netflix, but some of the actors say that they were never fairly compensated. Lees verder op Tech Meme

Half tot zwaar bewolkt en droog. Zaterdag enkele regen- en onweersbuien KNMI : 14-07-2023

Half tot zwaar bewolkt en droog. Zaterdag enkele regen- en onweersbuien Verwachting voor vandaag en morgen Waarschuwingen Er zijn geen waarschuwingen. Vanochtend zijn er perioden met zon. Van het zuidwesten uit komt er meer bewolking. Het is vrijwel overal droog. De wind komt uit het zuidwesten en is matig.Vanmiddag is het half tot zwaar bewolkt. Het blijft vrijwel overal droog. De maximumtemperatuur ligt tussen 21°C op de Wadden en 27°C in het zuidoosten. De wind is zwak tot matig en gaat geleidelijk uit oost tot zuidoost waaien.Vanavond is het half tot zwaar bewolkt en het blijft vrijwel overal droog. Van… Lees verder »Half tot zwaar bewolkt en droog. Zaterdag enkele regen- en onweersbuien KNMI : 14-07-2023