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Creator monetization platform Passes, founded in 2022, plans to acquire rival Fanhouse, founded in 2020; some creators are worried and one Fanhouse founder quit (Amanda Silberling/TechCrunch) 15-07-2023

Amanda Silberling / TechCrunch: Creator monetization platform Passes, founded in 2022, plans to acquire rival Fanhouse, founded in 2020; some creators are worried and one Fanhouse founder quit  —  The creator monetization platform Fanhouse announced yesterday that it was acquired by Passes, a similar startup that only launched in beta in December. Lees verder op Tech Meme

Some Etsy sellers say it started imposing a 45 day reserve on 75% of their income with no warning, as part of its Purchase Protection program to cover refunds (Sky News) 15-07-2023

Sky News: Some Etsy sellers say it started imposing a 45 day reserve on 75% of their income with no warning, as part of its Purchase Protection program to cover refunds  —  Sellers say the online marketplace is imposing a temporary reserve on their sales under its new ‘purchase protection programme’ … Lees verder op Tech Meme

Enkele (onweers)buien. Morgen veel wind KNMI : 15-07-2023

Enkele (onweers)buien. Morgen veel wind Verwachting voor vandaag en morgen Waarschuwingen Vanavond in het noorden en oosten enkele onweersbuien met windstoten en kans op hagel. Vannacht en morgenochtend aan zee kans op zware windstoten (code geel). Vanavond komen er verspreid over het land eerst nog enkele (onweers)buien voor, vooral in het noorden en oosten mogelijk met hagel en windstoten. In de loop van de avond bewegen de meeste buien noordoostwaarts weg en klaart het op. De zuidwestenwind is matig, aan zee en boven het IJsselmeer neemt de wind toe naar krachtig, later mogelijk hard, windkracht 6-7. Komende nacht komt er… Lees verder »Enkele (onweers)buien. Morgen veel wind KNMI : 15-07-2023

The UK CMA pushes back a deadline to block Microsoft's Activision deal from July 18 to August 29, which could let Microsoft complete the merger within weeks (Tim Bradshaw/Financial Times) 15-07-2023

Tim Bradshaw / Financial Times: The UK CMA pushes back a deadline to block Microsoft’s Activision deal from July 18 to August 29, which could let Microsoft complete the merger within weeks  —  New timetable from Competition and Markets Authority means $75bn transaction could be closed within weeks Lees verder op Tech Meme