What Are Git Submodules, and How Do You Use Them? 15-07-2023
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Reuters: Sources: the CEOs of Intel and Qualcomm are planning to meet US officials in DC next week to discuss China policy, export controls, market conditions, and more — The chief executives of Intel Corp (INTC.O) and Qualcomm Inc (QCOM.O) are planning to visit Washington next week to discuss China policy … Lees verder op Tech Meme
Dan Goodin / Ars Technica: Microsoft’s disclosures about Chinese hackers accessing US government email accounts were opaque about the breach’s root cause and the company’s role in it — Critics also decry Microsoft’s “pay-to-play” monitoring that detected intrusions. — On Friday, Microsoft attempted to explain … Lees verder op Tech Meme
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Zaterdagmiddag en -avond enkele buien. Zondag veel wind Verwachting voor vandaag en morgen Waarschuwingen In de nacht naar zondag en zondagochtend aan zee kans op zware windstoten (code geel). Vanochtend is het half tot zwaar bewolkt en op de meeste plaatsen droog, in het zuidoosten kan en bui voorkomen, mogelijk met onweer. De zuidwestenwind is matig, aan de noordwestkust (vrij) krachtig, windkracht 5 tot 6.Vanmiddag is het half tot zwaar bewolkt. De kans op een bui neemt in de loop van de middag toe. Mogelijk dat aanvankelijk in het (uiterste) oosten en zuidoosten plaatselijk een nog stevige onweersbui tot ontwikkeling… Lees verder »Zaterdagmiddag en -avond enkele buien. Zondag veel wind KNMI : 15-07-2023
Kaya Yurieff / The Information: Lucy Guo’s Passes to Buy Fanhouse — A startup that rode the pandemic-era frenzy around OnlyFans is selling to a rival. Fanhouse, which operates a website where creators charge fans for exclusive content, has agreed to sell itself to Passes, a Miami-based membership service for creators … Lees verder op Tech Meme
Amanda Silberling / TechCrunch: Creator monetization platform Fanhouse agrees to sell to rival Passes, which only launched in December 2022, but some creators are apprehensive about the merger — The creator monetization platform Fanhouse announced yesterday that it was acquired by Passes, a similar startup that only launched in beta in December. Lees verder op Tech Meme
Bill Toulas / BleepingComputer: Updraft patches its AIOS WordPress plugin, used by 1M+ sites, after it logged plaintext passwords; Updraft didn’t warn its users during the exposure period — The All-In-One Security (AIOS) WordPress security plugin, used by over a million WordPress sites, was found to be logging plaintext passwords … Lees verder op Tech Meme
05:00 Snelle netwerkverbindingen via 5G kunnen vanaf september ook in Brussel.Lees verder op De Tijd
The Economic Times: Sources: Foxconn is in talks with TSMC and Japan’s TMH to build chip factories in India, days after its $19.5B venture with Vedanta ended — Foxconn is likely to soon finalise the details of the partnership to manufacture both advanced and legacy node chips, a source close to the development told ET. Lees verder op Tech Meme