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Vandaag onstuimig, maandag enkele buien KNMI : 16-07-2023

Vandaag onstuimig, maandag enkele buien Verwachting voor vandaag en morgen Waarschuwingen Vanochtend aan zee kans op zware windstoten (code geel). Vanochtend schijnt de zon geregeld en vooral in het westen en noorden komen enkele buien voor. Boven land is de zuidwestenwind vrij krachtig, aan zee en boven het IJsselmeer krachtig tot hard, windkracht 6-7. In het noordwestelijk kustgebied is de wind eerst mogelijk stormachtig, windkracht 8, met zware windstoten van 75-90 km/uur. Vanmiddag is het half tot zwaar bewolkt met vooral landinwaarts mogelijk enkele buien. De middagtemperatuur ligt rond 23°C. De zuidwestenwind is matig tot vrij krachtig, aan zee en… Lees verder »Vandaag onstuimig, maandag enkele buien KNMI : 16-07-2023

Some tech insiders say that generative AI won't fix San Francisco's economic and commercial real estate woes as the startups bring fewer jobs and automate work (Anna Tong/Reuters) 16-07-2023

Anna Tong / Reuters: Some tech insiders say that generative AI won’t fix San Francisco’s economic and commercial real estate woes as the startups bring fewer jobs and automate work  —  In a frenzy unseen since the birth of social media in the early 2000s, investors are pouring billions into generative AI and fueling a startup boom in San Francisco. Lees verder op Tech Meme

Russia bans officials and state employees from using Apple devices for “work purposes”, after the FSB claimed Apple helped the NSA surveil Russian iPhone users (Anastasia Stognei/Financial Times) 16-07-2023

Anastasia Stognei / Financial Times: Russia bans officials and state employees from using Apple devices for “work purposes”, after the FSB claimed Apple helped the NSA surveil Russian iPhone users  —  FSB enforces crackdown on use by state officials after claiming it uncovered an espionage operation using Apple devices Lees verder op Tech Meme

Alibaba's food delivery service commits to bring more social security and welfare benefits to its ~3M couriers, after a similar move by in March (Ben Jiang/South China Morning Post) 16-07-2023

Ben Jiang / South China Morning Post: Alibaba’s food delivery service commits to bring more social security and welfare benefits to its ~3M couriers, after a similar move by in March  —  Alibaba Group Holding-backed Chinese food delivery service has committed to bring more social security and welfare benefits … Lees verder op Tech Meme

The US SEC acknowledges BlackRock's and Bitwise's spot bitcoin ETF applications, indicating the commencement of the official review process for the proposals (Amaka Nwaokocha/Cointelegraph) 16-07-2023

Amaka Nwaokocha / Cointelegraph: The US SEC acknowledges BlackRock’s and Bitwise’s spot bitcoin ETF applications, indicating the commencement of the official review process for the proposals  —  The SEC’s acknowledgment indicates the commencement of the official review process for BlackRock’s ETF proposal.  —  2279 Total views Lees verder op Tech Meme

Some tech insiders say that generative AI won't save San Francisco's economy and commercial real estate woes as AI startups bring fewer jobs and automate work (Anna Tong/Reuters) 16-07-2023

Anna Tong / Reuters: Some tech insiders say that generative AI won’t save San Francisco’s economy and commercial real estate woes as AI startups bring fewer jobs and automate work  —  In a frenzy unseen since the birth of social media in the early 2000s, investors are pouring billions into generative AI and fueling a startup boom in San Francisco. Lees verder op Tech Meme

Some tech insiders say that generative AI won't save San Francisco's economy and commercial real estate woes as the startups bring fewer jobs and automate work (Anna Tong/Reuters) 16-07-2023

Anna Tong / Reuters: Some tech insiders say that generative AI won’t save San Francisco’s economy and commercial real estate woes as the startups bring fewer jobs and automate work  —  In a frenzy unseen since the birth of social media in the early 2000s, investors are pouring billions into generative AI and fueling a startup boom in San Francisco. Lees verder op Tech Meme