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Brazilian lawmakers file a complaint against Google for letting users download “Slavery Simulator” game on Google Play for about a month before taking it down (María Luisa Paúl/Washington Post) 27-05-2023

María Luisa Paúl / Washington Post: Brazilian lawmakers file a complaint against Google for letting users download “Slavery Simulator” game on Google Play for about a month before taking it down  —  For about a month, Google Play users in Brazil could download a game that simulated what the South American nation looked … Lees verder op Tech Meme

Source: South Korea won't encourage its memory-chip firms to grab market share in China lost by Micron, as it could disrupt its bilateral relations with the US (Sam Kim/Bloomberg) 28-05-2023

Sam Kim / Bloomberg: Source: South Korea won’t encourage its memory-chip firms to grab market share in China lost by Micron, as it could disrupt its bilateral relations with the US  —  South Korea will avoid capitalizing on China’s ban on a US chipmaker, seeing the move by Beijing as an attempt to drive … Lees verder op Tech Meme

Zonnig en droog Pinksteren KNMI : 28-05-2023

Zonnig en droog Pinksteren Verwachting voor vandaag en morgen Waarschuwingen Er zijn geen waarschuwingen. Vanochtend is het vrij zonnig en droog. De wind komt uit het noordoosten en wordt overal matig.Vanmiddag is er veel zon en blijft het droog. Later kan er in het in het noordelijk kustgebied bewolking van zee binnendrijven. De maximumtemperatuur loopt uiteen van 15°C op de Wadden tot plaatselijk 24°C in het zuidoosten van het land. De noordoostenwind is matig, langs de kust vrij krachtig, langs de zuidwestkust later mogelijk krachtig, windkracht 6.Vanavond is er weinig bewolking en blijft het droog. Boven land is de wind… Lees verder »Zonnig en droog Pinksteren KNMI : 28-05-2023

Brazilian lawmakers file a complaint against Google for letting users download “Slavery Simulator” game on Google Play for about a month before taking it down (María Luisa Paúl/Washington Post) 27-05-2023

María Luisa Paúl / Washington Post: Brazilian lawmakers file a complaint against Google for letting users download “Slavery Simulator” game on Google Play for about a month before taking it down  —  For about a month, Google Play users in Brazil could download a game that simulated what the South American nation looked … Lees verder op Tech Meme

Chartbeat data for 1,350 publishers: Twitter referral traffic fell from 1.9% in April 2018 to 1.2% in April 2023; medium-sized publishers' traffic dropped 40% (Aisha Majid/Press Gazette) 28-05-2023

Aisha Majid / Press Gazette: Chartbeat data for 1,350 publishers: Twitter referral traffic fell from 1.9% in April 2018 to 1.2% in April 2023; medium-sized publishers’ traffic dropped 40%  —  Twitter – already a small source of clicks for publishers – has further declined in importance as a traffic referrer in recent years. Lees verder op Tech Meme

Brazilian lawmakers file a complaint against Google for letting users download “Slavery Simulator” game on Google Play for about a month before taking it down (María Luisa Paúl/Washington Post) 27-05-2023

María Luisa Paúl / Washington Post: Brazilian lawmakers file a complaint against Google for letting users download “Slavery Simulator” game on Google Play for about a month before taking it down  —  For about a month, Google Play users in Brazil could download a game that simulated what the South American nation looked … Lees verder op Tech Meme

Brazilian lawmakers file a complaint against Google for letting users download “Slavery Simulator” game on Google Play for about a month before taking it down (María Luisa Paúl/Washington Post) 27-05-2023

María Luisa Paúl / Washington Post: Brazilian lawmakers file a complaint against Google for letting users download “Slavery Simulator” game on Google Play for about a month before taking it down  —  For about a month, Google Play users in Brazil could download a game that simulated what the South American nation looked … Lees verder op Tech Meme

Brazilian lawmakers file a complaint against Google for letting users download “Slavery Simulator” game on Google Play for about a month before taking it down (María Luisa Paúl/Washington Post) 27-05-2023

María Luisa Paúl / Washington Post: Brazilian lawmakers file a complaint against Google for letting users download “Slavery Simulator” game on Google Play for about a month before taking it down  —  For about a month, Google Play users in Brazil could download a game that simulated what the South American nation looked … Lees verder op Tech Meme

Brazilian lawmakers file a complaint against Google for letting users download “Slavery Simulator” game on Google Play for about a month before taking it down (María Luisa Paúl/Washington Post) 27-05-2023

María Luisa Paúl / Washington Post: Brazilian lawmakers file a complaint against Google for letting users download “Slavery Simulator” game on Google Play for about a month before taking it down  —  For about a month, Google Play users in Brazil could download a game that simulated what the South American nation looked … Lees verder op Tech Meme